It’s one of the most important topics to know, especially when you are planning for a move to France.
In 2020, the average monthly French salary for a full-time job in the private sector was €2,520 net of charges and social contributions. It was €2,380 in public sector.
Almost 50% of the population earn less than €2,000 per month. If you earn more than €2,500, you are in the top 35% income level in France.
Here is the break up of average net monthly salaries in France (latest data available)
- 19.5% of population earn less than €1,500
- 30.2% earn between €1,500-€2,000
- 18.6% earn €2,000-€2,500
- 10.8% earn €2,500-€3,000
- 10.6% earn €3,000-€4,000
- 6.7% earn €4,000-€6,000
- 1.9% earn €6,000-€8,000
- 1.6% above €8,000
Source: Statista & Insee from 2020
- https://www.insee.fr/fr/outil-interactif/5367857/tableau/50_MTS/53_SRA