On the 1st of May, the French minimum salary increased by 2.2% to,
- €1,747.20 gross per month, known as brut in french.
- €1,383.08 net per month, for a 35 hours week.
- €11.52 gross per hour.
- €9.11 net per hour.
For people requiring work & resident permits in France, the minimum salary requirements have been increased too, based on SMIC*.
- For Passport Talent Visa, it’s €41,933 gross per year. This is 2 times SMIC salary.
- For Salary Visa, it’s €2,620.80 gross per month. This is 1.5 times SMIC salary.
- However, Passport Talent Blue card category stays unchanged at €53,836.50 gross per year.
Note: The amount of the Smic is automatically revalued on 1st January of each year, based on inflation.
SMIC* – Salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance
Source: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F2300