VFS Checklist: Documents for Passport Talent dependent visa application for France

Here is a non-exhaustive checklist for the French Dependent Visa application. The documents listed here are based on the VFS checklist and also the various experiences shared by the expat community.

List of Visas concerned

The article is relevant for the following visa categories.

  • Talent Passport – Family, Article L. 421-22 du CESEDA
  • Intra-company transfer – Family (Salarié détaché ICT – Famille), Article L. 421-28 du CESEDA
  • Intra-company transfer – Family (Salarié détaché mobile ICT- Famille), Article L. 421-29 du CESEDA

Dependant Visa Checklist

Here’s a detailed checklist of documents required for the Schengen tourist visa application. Do not staple any documents. Use paper clips, if required.

Documents from the Host spouse living in France:

  1. Passport (copies of the front and last pages)
  2. Copy of Carte de Sejour Passeport Talent or Attestation de décision favorable
  3. French bank statements from the last 3 months.
  4. French salary slips from the last 3 months.
  5. French tax returns “Avis d’impots” from the last 2 years.
  6. French work contract or convention d’accueil (if researcher)
  7. French accommodation proof.
    • Rental contract
    • Rental receipts from the last 3 months
    • A utility bill from your wifi/landline, gas, and electricity provider (last 3 months).
  8. Cover letter, stating that the host will cover all the expenses of the dependant spouse.

Documents from the Dependant spouse living outside France:

  1. Valid Passport (Original along with copies of the front and last pages)
    • Issued within the last 10 years and at least 2  empty pages.
    • Handwritten passports and passports with observations regarding the front page (bio data) are not accepted.
  2. Two passport-size photographs,
    • White background, not older than 6 months (size 35 – 40 mm in width, not copied or scanned picture).
    • 1st photo pasted on the application
    • 2nd photo must be clipped on the last page of the passport
    • Stapled or pinned pictures are not accepted.
    • For more details, please refer to the photo guidelines
  3. Long-Stay Visa Application Form
    • Completed and signed by the applicant.
    • If the applicant is minor: the visa application should be signed by the legal guardian and if applicable, authorization of a third person. (Proving the custody of a minor child, divorce papers, death certificate, etc.).
  4. Old passports, if any must be bound together with rubber bands and not stapled.
  5. Cover Letter from spouse mentioning what he/she did in India and what he/she will do in France.
  6. Schengen Travel-cum-medical Insurance for 90 days.
    • Minimum coverage of 30,000 euros per person.
    • Coverage of all expenses that might arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention, and/or emergency hospital treatment.
    • The insurance will help until a social security number is obtained in France.

Additional Information

  • Please ensure you have the originals of documents and photocopies of each during the VFS appointment.
  • The Embassy or the Consulate might ask for additional documents.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact VFS, the nearest French Embassy or Consulate. Here are the Contact details of French Embassy and Consulates in India.
  • Make 3 sets of photocopies, 1 for the visa, and another 2 for your spouse when she/he comes to France.
  • The process takes approximately 2-4 weeks, after applying at VFS.

Sources & References

12 thoughts on “VFS Checklist: Documents for Passport Talent dependent visa application for France”

  1. We have the wedding date fixed and I’ll have to come back just 2 weeks after the wedding any would like to take her along with me. So that’s why wanted to know if the embassy accepts wedding card as a proof so that we can apply for the visa beforehand.
    Your feedback would be appreciated.


  2. Hello,
    I am going to sign a contract next week for passport talent. But my last 3 months payslips and bank statements don’t show the increased salary. But the contract and attestation will be available. Will my spouse be able to apply for visa? Or do we have to wait for 3 payslips?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hello Babu,

      You must have a Carte de Séjour Passeport Talent (any category) or at least an attestation de decision favorable before you can start the dependent visa application for your spouse. I have explained everything in Dependent visa for spouse and children of Passport Talent visa holders https://prasanthragupathy.com/2024/06/vfs-dependent-visa-for-spouse-and-children-of-passport-talent-visa-holders/

      PS: If my articles and answers are helpful, please leave your feedback on Trustpilot

  3. Hello,
    I just got my attestation de decision favorable. Can my spouse apply for a dependent visa passport talent? because when we will submit my salary slips from last 3 months it will have less salary than the passport talent qualifie. But now i have passport talent job.

  4. Hello, Thank you for the detailed post. However I have few questions with respect to my situation,
    I am in Blue Card which is about to expire in 3months and in the process of renewal. My wife who works in Germany is in the verge of moving here.
    1.Can I apply the renewal along with the dependent application ? Because if I apply now, she will get the permit only for 3 more months right ?
    2. Also, I am staying at my Sister’s place with attestation de l’hebergement . Will this pose a problem ? Should I rent an apartment and then apply ?

    1. Hello Mani,

      1. If I was in this situation, I would submit the renewal application for my CdS. Then share the copy of the existing CdS + renewal confirmation to my spouse for the dependent visa application. It’s not a problem.

      2. I wouldn’t use the attestation d’hebergement because the visa application might look weak. When someone is hosting me for free, it may not wise to invite my spouse as the dependent.
      So, it’s your choice to take a logical decision that makes a strong visa application.


  5. Hello, Thank you for the detailed info.
    1. Is it possible to apply dependent Visa along with the renewal of my current card which is about to expire in 3months.
    2. Also will attestation de l’hebergement will be suffice for my address proof here or will I have to rent an apartment before applying.

    Thank you

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