French Work permit – Everything to know

Since April 6, 2021, an employer who wishes to recruit a non-European candidate, must apply for a work permit. It has to be done online using ANEF website

  • The decision is taken within a maximum duration of 2 months after applying. It usually takes 2-3 weeks.
  • When it is available, your employer will share it With you.
  • The employee cannot apply for it. If you do, it will be rejected straightaway.
  • The work permit may be limited to certain professional activities or geographical areas.
  • A work permit issued in metropolitan France confers the rights only in metropolitan France. It does not cover the French overseas territories.

Good to know

If the administration has not responded within 2 months, the application is automatically considered refused.

1. Who needs a work permit ?

People applying the following visa or carte de sejour categories require a work permit. It includes the renewals too.

  • Salarié (L. 421-1) for applicants with a CDI contract.
  • Travailleur temporaire (L. 421-3) for applicants with a CDD contract.
  • Travailleur saisonnier (L. 421-34) for seasonal workers.
  • Students with the titre de séjour “étudiant” or “étudiant programme de mobilité”, who want to work more than 964 hours in a year.
  • Asylum seekers in France.

Good to know

Each new employment contract will require a new work permit.

So, a new autorisation is required while changing jobs.

The above list is not exhaustive but covers most of the categories.

2. Who does not need a work permit?

The following visa and carte de sejour categories do not require a work permit “autorisation de travail.”

If you are a citizen of one of the following countries, you do not need a work permit in France :

Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,  Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

3. Documents required for a work permit?

The list of documents  to be submitted by your employer in support of your work permit application depends on your situation. The list is different based on the following categories,

The complete list is available here: Decree of 1st April 2021 setting the list of documents to be provided for obtaining a work permit

4. Can a work permit be declined? 

The work permit application cannot be declined in the following cases,

  • You have obtained a Master’s degree or an equivalent degree recognized by the government.
  • You hold a provisional residence permit Autorisation provisoire de séjour « étudiant en recherche d’emploi »”.
  • The job is related to your Master’s and provides a salary at least equal to 1.5x the French minimum wage limit known as SMIC, per month. Salaries less than this amount might lead to the rejection of the application.
  • Application submitted for a job and a geographical area where there are recruitment difficulties (list established by the labor office).

Please note that the minimum salary requirement is updated regularly based on the SMIC. So, you should keep this in mind, while negotiating your future salaries.

More details can be found here, Decree of 1st April 2021 on the issuance, without opposition of the employment situation, of work permits to non-European foreigners.

5. References 

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