This article is about the Passport Talent dependent visa application experience at VFS Chennai shared by “Desy Arvin“, in “Indian Community in France” Facebook group. The article has been published with his permission, along with a few important additional information.
A dependent spouse can apply for this visa, as soon as the host spouse receives the “Attestation de décision favorable” in France. They do not have to wait until the availability of the Carte de Sejour Passeport Talent.
If you would like to contribute with articles about your personal experiences, feel free to write to me via contact.
Who can apply for a Passport Talent Dependent Visa ?
Spouses and children (minors) of the people holding the following visa or resident permits can apply for the Passport Talent Dependant visa,
- Passeport Talent Salarié Qualifié (Passeport Talent Salary Visa or CdS)
- Passeport Talent Entreprise Innovante (Passeport Talent Innovative Entreprise Visa or CdS)
- Passeport Talent Carte Bleue Européenne (Passeport Talent European Blue Card Visa or CdS)
- Passeport Talent Salarie en Mission (Passeport Talent Salary in Mission Visa or CdS)
- Passeport Talent Chercheur (Passeport Talent Researcher Visa or CdS)
- Other Passeport Talent categories too
Note: Adult children (above 18 years old) have to apply for their own visa separately. They are not eligible for the dependant visas.
Application Summary
Sharing my experience of application “Passport Talent Dependant Visa for wife”. I recently successfully applied for the and have received it too.
- Type of visa applied: Passport Talent Dependant Visa
- Duration of your stay : Long séjour (> 90 jours) / Long stay (> 90 days). More than a year.
- Why are you making this trip?: Installation familiale ou privée (majeur) / Family or private settlement (Major)
- Visa main purpose of stay: Famille accompagnante bénéficiaire passeport talent (Majeur) / Accompanying family beneficiary of talent passport (Major)
- Visa applied at: VFS Chennai
- Visa applied on: 12th September 2023
- Visa update: 9th October 2023, VFS update about passport being dispatched
- Visa received on: 11th October 2023
- Visa processing time: 1 month
- Host Resident Permit: Passeport Talent – Salarié Qualifié
You can find all the details of French Embassy and consulates in India in the following article Contact Details Of French Embassy And Consulates In India

Documents submitted at VFS Chennai
My wife applied for the Passport Talent Dependant Visa in Chennai. So, here are the various documents submitted during the appointment. Only the applicant (her) was allowed inside.
- Cerfa 14571-05 Visa application form or online application via
- Copy of Passport (host spouse)
- Copy of Passport (dependant spouse)
- Copy of French resident permit (host spouse)
- Birth certificate (dependant spouse)
- Marriage certificate
- Cover letter from the host spouse
- Copy of French Tax declaration from last 2 years (host spouse)
- Copy of French bank statement from last 3 months (host spouse)
- Copy of CDI contract copy (host spouse)
- Attestation from employer because my contract has old salary and address (host spouse)
- Copy of salary slips from last 3 months (host spouse)
- Copy of utility bill “Internet” from last 3 months (host spouse)
- Copy of rental contract copy (host spouse)
- Travel insurance for 90days
- Flight ticket
You can also refer Checklist – Passport Talent Dependent Visa Application For France
- Birth certificates and marriage certificate were recently issued in Tamilnadu, so they were in English.
- Apostilled documents are only required after reaching France.
Special Thanks to Sridhar Rajaram and Indian Community in France group.
Cover Letter for Passport Talent Dependant Visa
Consulate General of France
French Consulate in Puducherry (Pondichéry)
2, Marine Street – 605001 Pondichéry, India
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Further to the online application, I am writing this cover letter in connection to all the documents attached for My spouse’s VISA application for FRANCE as a Sponsor. My name is xxxxxxxxx (Full name of the host spouse) and I am the husband of the applicant. I am fully supporting the application of my Wife to join me here in France. I thought it would be great if I could write to you to aid you in the assessment of my Wife’s application for this VISA by giving you details about our relationship and all my supporting documents that we are submitting on behalf of this application.
I fully commit to covering all our/ Her expenditures and fully supporting my wife and myself financially once she arrives in France. I am living in France for the past N years. After completion of my masters in ICAM Nantes, I started working in 2019 on a CDI Contract. I am a holder of “Carte De Sejour Pluriannuele: Passeport Talent”. I live in France at xxxxxx (address in France) and my Wife will be living with me at this address. I am at your disposal for further question or information.
Thanking you in advance, Madame, Monsieur, for a favorable reply to my application.
Mr. xxxxxxxxx (Full name of the host spouse)
Address in France
Process after reaching France
Depending on your visa category (VLS or VLS-TS), you have to either apply for a resident permit on arrival or just validate your visa online. The following article covers this topic in detail.
Should I validate my long-stay visa or do I have to apply for a residence permit directly?