APS – CdS RECE: French job search or business creation resident permit

APS (Master) or Carte de séjour – Recherche d’emploi/création d’entreprise is a job-search or business creation resident permit given to students, who had graduated from a college or university in France. It allows graduates to gain their first professional experience or create a business activity related to their course.

The first version of this article was written by Sanjay Kamath a few years ago, focusing on APS for Indian students. This current version goes further with the latest updates and covers students from with various non-European countries.

APS Master or CdS RECE ?

The resident permit issued depends on the nationality of the graduates.

Resident Permit
Country of Origin
Autorisation provisoire de séjour (APS Master) with the comment « recherche d’emploi ou création d’entreprise »
Students from Benin, Burkina Faso, Mauritius, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), Gabon and India.
Carte de séjour temporaire (CdS RECE) with the comment « recherche d’emploi ou création d’entreprise »
Students from Montenegro, Serbia, Georgia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and other nationalities.

Henceforth, In this article “APS Master“ means the pink paper given free-of-cost and the “CdS RECE” means the card given for 75€. Both aren’t the same.

Who can apply?

There are 2 important criteria to be eligible for APS Master or CdS RECE.

A. Graduates who have (had) a valid French student resident permit.
B. Graduates from French colleges & universities with,

  • Master’s degree or its equivalent for people from Cape Verde, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), and India.
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees or their equivalents for people from Benin, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Tunisia, Georgia, Mauritius, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia.

Only the courses registered with RNCP and/or CGE will be eligible. If you had studied a Masters degree not recognized by one of the above, you won’t be able to apply for APS Master or CdS RECE.


  • RNCP is a national register for professional certifications managed by France Competences, under the authority of the French Ministry in charge of vocational training. You can search for your degree on the  francecompetences.fr website.
  • MS Mastère Spécialisé or MSc – Master of Science degree from registered colleges & universities on CGE database.
  • Here is the list of courses equivalent to a Master’s and eligible for the APS. 

When to apply?

Inside France 🇫🇷 

  • If you are applying in France, the application should be submitted within the year of graduation and you should have a valid student resident permit.
  • Irrespective of the remaining validity on your student resident permit, apply for APS immediately after receiving the course completion certificate and/or final degree certificate. 

Outside France 🇫🇷 

  • If you have left France without applying for it, you can submit an application within 4 years of graduation. It can be applied at any French Embassy or consulate in your country.

Note: If you do a french language course after your Masters degree, you will no longer be eligible for APS Master or CdS RECE. So, you should avoid the false advertisements by a few private language schools.

Duration of APS?

The duration varies according to the bilateral agreements signed between France and various countries.

Country of OriginDurationRenewable
Students from Benin, Burkina Faso & Mauritius.6 monthsOnce
Students from Tunisia6 monthsTwice
Students from Cape Verde & Republic of Congo (Brazzaville).9 monthsNo
Students from Gabon9 monthsOnce
Students from Montenegro, Serbia, Georgia & Bosnia-Herzegovina.12 monthsCdS RECE & non-renewable
Students from India12 monthsOnce
Students from other non-European countries12 months
CdS RECE & non-renewable
Students from AlgeriaNoNo

What is the cost of APS?

  • APS Master (pink paper) is free.
  • Carte de Sejour RECE (card) costs 75€. The tax stamp can be purchased here timbres.impots.gouv.fr

How & where to apply?

Inside France 🇫🇷 

The process is online or offline (by appointment or by post) depending on your local prefecture. This information can be easily found on the website of the prefecture.

Some prefectures might ask you to send an email with all your relevant details, especially your 10-digit student resident permit number. Please refer to section 2 in the following article, How To Contact The Prefecture In Your City?

Here are a few examples,

City / TownApplication Process
Paris (75)demarches-simplifiees.fr
Nanterre (92)demarches-simplifiees.fr
Bobigny (93)demarches-simplifiees.fr
Cergy (95)pref-sejour@val-doise.gouv.fr
Argenteuil (95100)pref-rdv-etr-argenteuil@val-doise.gouv.fr

Lyon (69)

Grenoble (38) & Valence (26)

Toulouse (31) 

Nantes (44)



haute-garonne.gouv.fr (Changement de statut)


The various documents required to apply in France,

  • Copy of your Passport.
  • Copy of your birth certificate – apostilled & translated.
  • Copy of a valid student resident permit.
  • Copy of address proof: rental receipts and a utility bill (electricity, gas, wifi, etc) less than 6 months old. If someone is hosting you, a copy of your Attestation d’hébergement, a copy of their national ID card or resident permit, and a utility bill.
  • Tax stamp of 75€ for CdS RECE (not applicable for APS Master given to Indians, etc).
  • Copy of Attestation des droits from Ameli website. It explains the social security coverage.
  • Copy of your Master’s degree or an equivalent certification.

Outside France 🇫🇷 (Ex: India 🇮🇳 or Belgium 🇧🇪)

French Embassy or consulate in your country of residence. The documents are usually submitted at a local VFS office. On france-visas.gouv.fr apply for a “Job Search/Business Creation visa”. Choose “Business” as your plan and you will find the above options.

Here are the various documents required to apply outside France, within 4 years of graduation,

  • Application form downloaded from france-visas.gouv.fr
  • Copy of your Passport.
  • Copy of your birth certificate.
  • Copy of your expired French student residence permit held at the time of your graduation in France.
  • Copy of French address proof less than 3 months old: a rental contract. If someone is hosting you, a copy of the Attestation d’hébergement, a copy of their national ID card or resident permit, and a utility bill.
  • Copy of health insurance for a year.
  • Copy of your Master’s degree or an equivalent certification obtained in France.
  • Proof of financial resources for a year.

What are the options available when APS Master or CdS RECE expires?

  • If your APS Master is renewable, you can apply for a renewal. The procedure is the same as the 1st application. For example, Indian graduates can renew their APS Master for another year.
  • If you hold a CdS RECE, it cannot be renewed. So, you should apply for a status change to work or business creation resident permits. If you are unable to find a job or start a business, you should leave France on or before the expiry date of CdS RECE.

Here is a detailed article that explains the various work-related options to extend your stay in France. Work & Resident Permits After Graduating In France? 

Points to know

  • Do not wait until the last moment of your student visa expiry date. Try to apply for an APS visa right away, once the course is finished.
  • APS can’t be applied in France, once the student visa has expired.
  • APS can be applied at any prefecture in France. But the applicant should have a local address proof belonging to that prefecture limits (contract or attestation d’hébergement with all supporting docs from the person giving the attestation).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: After 1+1 (2) years duration of APS Visa. Is it possible to do one more master’s?. Like APS visa to again student visa?

  • Unfortunately, it is not possible. You cannot convert an APS Master or CdS RECE back to a student visa.
  • You can only convert it into a work or business creation-related resident permit or a Ph.D. with PT Chercher.

Q2: While applying for APS from India, Do I need to buy 1-year health insurance to apply for APS from India?.

  • Yes, you need to submit health insurance for 1 year.

Q3: Can I apply for APS at a different prefecture?.

  • Yes, you can apply APS or CdS RECE at a different prefecture, if you can submit a local address proof.

Q4: I joined a French course after my Masters. Can I apply for APS after completing the French course?.

  • Unfortunately, the answer is No. You are supposed to apply for APS within the same year of graduation.
  • Joining a French course makes you not eligible for APS. So, do not become a victim of misleading advertisements from some private French language schools.

Q5: I have a query for 1st APS, a CDD or CDI contract is compulsory ?. I mean without a contract we can’t apply for APS ?.

  • APS or CdS RECE is a job-search or business creation resident permit. So, they are independent of any job contracts.

Q6: Can i apply for APS or CdS RECE with just the course completion certificate “attestation de réussite”?.

  • Yes, you can start the application but the process will be completed only after submitting the final degree.

Q7: Can I work full-time on APS or CdS RECE?.

  • Yes, you can work full-time, if the job is related to your master’s and if the salary is a minimum of 1.5 times SMIC (currently 2650.38 € since 1st Jan 2024).
  • If these 2 conditions aren’t satisfied, you can work only part-time for 964 hours per year.
  • You can check with your local prefecture because they are aren’t so strict for people with APS or CdS RECE.
  • A work permit « autorisation de travail » isn’t mandatory to work using APS or CdS RECE.

Q8: Can I do a French language course using APS?

  • Yes, you do it can at any French language institute. However, the language diploma will neither help you extend your APS nor apply for another resident permit.

Q9: Can I do an internship using APS?

  • Yes, if you can get a Convention du Stage.
  • However, you won’t be able to obtain this document from your college or university because it requires a student status.
  • But, you can get it via 3rd part organizations like Fac for ProBeStudentAgain, etc by paying fees of around 200 euros.

Q10: I received my 1st APS in France but left the country after some time. Can I renew the APS  from outside France ?

  • Unfortunately, the renewals of resident permits can only be applied inside France. So, you have to visit France for the renewal.

Q11: With an APS, how long can I stay outside France?

Q12: I have graduated & I have my student resident permit valid for another 6 months?. Should I apply for APS now or later?

  • Irrespective of the remaining validity period on the student resident permit, you should apply for APS or CdS RECE immediately after graduation.
  • Don’t keep waiting until the expiry of the student Carte de Sejour.

Q13:  Should I pay 75€ for APS?

  • As explained in the article, the tax stamp of 75€ is not applicable for APS (pink paper).
  • It’s only applicable for Carte de Sejour RECE (card).

Q14: My student resident permit & internship are ending on the same day. How can I apply for APS in this situation?

  • First, you should apply for an extension of your student CdS, based on an extension letter from your college.
  • So, An extension of 3-6 months will be provided. Then, you can apply for APS or Carte de Sejour RECE after graduation.

Q15: Can I travel with APS to other Schengen countries?

  • An APS is a valid resident permit. So, you can travel to all Schengen countries.
  • Also, you can travel to your home country & return to France before it expires.

Q16: How can I renew the APS for the 2nd year?.

  • The process is the same as your application for 1st APS. However, you can refer to the website of your prefecture for any updates.

Q17: How long does it take to receive the APS or CdS RECE?

  • If it’s offline via an appointment, APS pink paper is usually given on the spot during the appointment.
  • If it’s applied online, it can take anywhere from 2 to 4 months.
  • Carte de Sejour RECE usually takes 2 to 4 months because the card has to be fabricated

Q18: My prefecture issued me a 6 month APS after graduation. Can I renew it again?

  • As explained earlier, Indians must receive a 1 year APS after graduation. However, some prefectures issue it for 6 months.
  • There is nothing to worry about because it is a simple case of misunderstanding from the agent at your prefecture. You just have to renew it again in 6 months and are also eligible for the 2nd year too.
  • You can avoid this by reminding the agent about the APS rules applicable to Indians and the bilateral agreement.

Q19: Can I convert my APS or CdS RECE back to a Student visa?.

  • Unfortunately, the APS Master or the Carte de Sejour RECE cannot be converted back into a Student Visa.
  • The student visa can only be applied via the French Embassies and Consulates outside France.

Sources & References

  1. APS Master service-public.fr
  2. Bilateral agreements about Professional mobility between France & various countries immigration.interieur.gouv.fr
  3. Recherche d’emploi – Création d’entreprise france-visas.gouv.fr
  4. Création d’entreprise : quelles sont les démarches à effectuer ? economie.gouv.fr/entreprises
  5. Comment faire pour embaucher un salarié étranger ? service-public.fr

12 thoughts on “APS – CdS RECE: French job search or business creation resident permit”

  1. I’ve gone through those comments, but I still have a question. That’s why I inquired. If I complete a one-year university diploma in French language (Public University ) and apply for APS for my previous master’s within that year, am I eligible for APS?

  2. Prasanth Ragupathy

    Question received : If I pursue a French language course following my master’s degree at a public university, am I qualified for an APS?

    1. Prasanth Ragupathy

      As explained in the FAQ, the answer is always NO irrespective of doing the French course in a private school or public university

  3. Hi,

    Firstly, thanks a lot for this elaborate write-up. It was very clear and helpful

    I am an Indian student and will be graduating this month from a French Business School.

    I am currently not in France. However, I have a multi-year student resident permit. Can I apply for the APS later?

    Is there a timeline within which students should apply for APS from the time of graduation?

    I understand that I have to apply for the APS before my student visa expires.

    Thanks in Advance

  4. Hi,
    This is Apoorva. I currently live in Epinay Sur Seine. I had applied for Temporary Resident Permit, or APS (for “Autorisation Provisioire de Séjour”) at the main prefecture in bobigny and it had got approved last year. my visa is expiring in May 2024.

    I repeated the same steps this year and filed a new file in the same way in bobigny prefecture (https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr/users/sign_in) but they closed the file and asked me to apply at the sub prefecture in Saint Denis for the renewal of the visa. But I don’t find the link for the sub prefecture in Saint Denis. Could you please help me with that?

    Bobigny prefecture- (Préfecture – Seine-Saint-Denis)
    sub Saint Denis prefecture – (Sous-préfecture de Saint-Denis)

    Thank you,

  5. Faijahmad MULLA

    Hello Prasanth,

    I hope you’re doing good.

    First of all, thank you so much for quite elaborating details on all sorts of queries. It is very helpful in many ways.

    My name is Faijahmad MULLA, I completed my Diploma in French pastry arts at Ecole Ducasse in August 2023. After I also did my internship and worked in France for 4 and a half months. And my student resistance permit was valid only till 1st January 2024. (total of 11 months from the beginning) Now that I am in India, and have found a job in France I want to know if I can apply for ‘The APS Master or CdS RECE‘ and if yes what would be the procedures. I tried to find the answers but no one has gone through the same procedures before.

    Your valuable response would be highly appreciated. Please let me know in your own time.

    Thanks again, I hope this message finds you well and have a nice day.

    Bien cordialement,
    Faijahmad MULLA.
    Mars 08, 2024.

    1. Hello Faijahmad,

      I am good and i hope its the same with you.

      Unfortunately, you are nit eligible for the “Job search or Business Creation’ visa because the minimum requirements is a masters degree. You can refer this article for more details.

      In your case, your employer has to apply for your Work permit and only then you can apply for Salary visa. You can find an example here https://prasanthragupathy.com/2024/02/salary-visa-application-experience-vfs-bengaluru-april-2023/

      All the best

      1. Faijahmad MULLA

        Hey Prasanth,

        Thank you so much for this information. I am sure this might help me to ease my visa process. Have a nice day.

        Faijahmad MULLA.

  6. Hello Prasanth

    Thanks for this information.

    I am currently not in France and I’m within the 4 year window to apply for APS.

    I have a couple of questions:
    1 – as someone that’s left France, is it possible to get APS for 1 year that can be renewed for another year?
    2 – as someone that’s planning to apply for APS outside of France, how do I get a copy of a French address proof? A hotel/airbnb booking works, or can it be a letter from a friend willing to host me?

    Belle journée

    1. Hello Shreeraj,

      The article already explains these topics in detail.
      1. Irrespective of the place of the application, Indians can renew their APS for their 2nd year.
      2. Attestation d’hebergement from your friend.

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