Employment : Pole Emploi is renamed as France Travail

Since 1st January 2024, Pôle emploi has evolved and has become France Travail. The name change will be implemented gradually from 1st January and throughout the year on all the related websites, applications and local branches.

On 14th December 2023, the draft bill for full employment “projet de loi pour le plein emploi“ was approved by the French Constitutional Council. It defines the new employment service operator, France Travail, which replaced Pôle emploi from 1st January 2024, with expanded missions and enhanced support for jobseekers.

By 2025, the law provides for the automated registration of all unemployed people with France Travail,

  • Jobseekers currently registered with Pôle emploi.
  • RSA (revenu de solidarité active / unemployment benefit) recipients.
  • Young people supported by local Missions.
  • Disabled people supported by Cap Emploi.

What remains the same from 1st Jan 2024?

  • Your advisor will remain the same and will continue to guide you in your job-search or training.
  • You can continue to contact France Travail on 39 49.
  • If you receive unemployment benefit, it will be paid to you by France Travail under the same conditions as Pole Emploi.
  • Your monthly updates will continue to be made via your personal space on the pole-emploi.fr website, which will become www.francetravail.fr in February 2024, or on the “Mon Espace” application.
  • Job offers will still be available on the pole-emploi.fr website, which will become www.francetravail.fr  in February 2024, or on the “Mes offres”  application.
  • All the digital services that you use on a daily basis (Mes événements emploi , l’Emploi Store, etc.), which give you access to services (workshops, training, events, etc.) that are useful for your return to employment, will also remain accessible and available.

What changes progressively from 1st Jan 2024?

  • All jobseekers will be registered automatically with France Travail. Not only all those who apply to be registered, but also all RSA recipients and their partners or spouses, young people registered with local Missions who are looking for work and disabled people supported by Cap Emploi, will all be registered with France Travail from 1 January 2025.
  • Not all people registered with France Travail will necessarily be supported by a France Travail adviser but, depending on their situation and needs, by one of its partners such as the local Missions or a social worker.
  • Each jobseeker will then benefit from an in-depth diagnosis carried out by the referral organisation responsible for supporting them. Once again, this could be France Travail, but also the local social workers, the local Missions, Cap emploi, etc.
  • Each person will sign a commitment contract drawn up according to their needs, which should be updated regularly to make it a real reference tool for both the person and the adviser supporting them.

Sources & References :

  1. Pôle emploi devient France Travail
  2. France Travail : Un nouveau réseau pour l’emploi
  3. Objectif plein emploi : Présentation du projet de loi
  4. Mission de préfiguration France Travail : Synthèse du rapport de la concertation

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