Certificat de coutume for a Newborn Child in France

VFS: Certificat de coutume for a Newborn Child in France

Updated on: October 29, 2024 |  By: @rprasanth_kumar

This article is about the Certificate de Coutume application experience at VFS Paris and shared by “Karthikeyan”. The article has been published with his permission, along with a few important additional information. 

If you would like to contribute with articles about your personal experiences, feel free to write to me at Contact me

What is a Certificat de coutume?

A Certificat de coutume is a document issued by the Indian Embassy In Paris for multiple purposes such as,

  • Getting married in France
  • Getting PACSed in France
  • Giving Last Name to a newborn baby in France

The applications can be submitted at VFS Global offices in Paris and Marseille

You can find all the official details at Indian Consular Services – VFS Global

Application Summary

The main purpose of the application was to give the Father/Mother’s first name [Prenom] to a newborn child’s family name [Nom].

If you are expecting a child, it is recommended to do this process 2 to 3 months before the delivery date and avoid any last minute complications.

So, here is a summary of the process followed by him.

  • Application Mode: Offline via appointment [regular option] or by post. He sent the documents by registered post to VFS Paris via La Poste.
  • Application Location : VFS Global India, Paris [16 Bd du Général Leclerc, 92110 Clichy], +33 01 76 27 86 85, Email – infoindefrance@vfshelpline.com
  • Application sent : 19/01/2024 [Via La poste with l’avis de réception].
  • Call back from VFS: 24/01/2024 [VFS needs additional information].
  • Application processed: 31/01/2024 [Received payment link by email + Payment done].
  • Fees paid: ~58,60 € [17 € For the application + 2 € SMS + 30 € sending by Post + Other tax]
  • Document received by Post: 07/02/2024.

A few comments and suggestions from him.

  • Check with local Marie if they accept to keep your given name as family name. If they agree it may avoid the above whole process.
  • He did the application offline by post, so the original passport/RP was not mandatory to be sent to VFS.
  • When VFS receives the documents, you will get a call back from them if it is all okay and they will ask for the payment to process. Processing time is around 7 days after the payment confirmation.
  • Prenom for the child is mandatory for giving you the certificate.
  • He attached all the necessary documents as explained in the list given below.
Processing duration for Indian Consular Service Applications (except Police Clearance Certificate)
VFS OfficeDuration
ParisMinimum 5 working days but may take longer
MarseilleMinimum 7 working days but may take longer

List of Documents submitted to VFS Paris

Here are the various documents he submitted via post.

You can also refer the official checklist “Certificat de coutume” for giving name to the newborn child checklist.

Cover Letter for Surname/Nom of a Newborn Child

Applicant Name: Karthikeyan
Passport No: YYY
Contact Number:
Email :

Subject: Requesting for certificat de coutume regarding Father’s given name as Family name [Nom] to the newborn child

Respected Sir/Madam,
I, Karthikeyan [Passport number YYY], and XXX [Passport number YYY] got married on DD/MM/YYYY in India and my wife moved to France by DD/MM/YYYY. I am working in a private company in XYZ France. We have our residence permit Carte de sejour Pluriannuelle which will be expired on DD/MM/YYYY. [Resident Permit numbers XXX and YYY]

My wife got pregnant on DD/MM/YYYY, and our delivery date will be in DD/MM/YYYY. Since we don’t have a family name, we have kept our father’s name as a Family name in France for us. For our baby, I and my wife decided to keep my given name XXX as the family name for my child. Can you please give a certificat de coutume stating that my Given name XXX will be the family name [Nom] for our child.

Prenom for Child:
Nom for Child: KARTHIKEYAN

Also, please contact me by Email/call if you need further information and for the payment.
I would like to receive the certificat de coutume by post to my address XXX

Thank you so much / Merci.

Karthikeyan XXX 

Wife Name

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Certificat du coutume from Embassy of India

Certificat de coutume for Newborn Child prasanthragupathy

4 thoughts on “VFS: Certificat de coutume for a Newborn Child in France”

  1. Hi Prashanth,
    Very detailed info . Thanks for the article.
    One small feedback . Recently went to apply for certificate at VFS Paris . And they are asking adress proof which is not on the official checklist .
    If you can add to this article it might be helpful for others

  2. Bonjour Prashanth,
    Very detailed info . Very helpful article.
    A question (the 2 photos mention, could you please tell whos photos are needed ?)

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