VFS: APS – French Job search or Business creation visa Application experience in India

This article is about the French job search or Business Creation “RECE visa application experience at VFS Global Hyderabad in India. It was shared by “Sakuntala”. The article has been published with her permission, along with a few important additional information. 

If you would like to contribute with articles about your personal experiences, feel free to write to me at the following email contact@prasanthragupathy.com

Who can apply for a RECE Visa ?

This long-stay visa is available to students who had graduated with a Master’s degree from a nationallly recognized institution in France and left the country. They must apply within four years of their graduation and the visa allows them to search for a job or create a company in France.

For a detailed explanation about this topic, you can read the following article APS: French Job Search Or Business Creation Resident Permit

Note: Your Master’s degree must be available in one of the following 2 databases.

  • RNCP is a national register for professional certifications managed by France Competences, under the authority of the French Ministry in charge of vocational training. You can search for your degree on the  www.francecompetences.fr website.
  • MS Mastère Spécialisé or MSc – Master of Science degree from registered colleges & universities on CGE database.
  • Here is the list of courses equivalent to a Master and eligible for the APS. 

Application Summary

Sharing her experience of application for the “RECE” visa. 

  • Masters Graduation Date: 25/11/2020
  • Student Visa expiry date: 08/09/2020
  • Type of visa applied: Long Stay
  • Duration of your stay: Long stay, more than 1 year.
  • Why are you making this trip?: Business
  • Visa main purpose of stay: Job search / Business creation
  • Visa applied at: VFS Hyderabad
  • Visa applied on: 15/02/2023
  • Fees : around 7500 INR for the visa, around 3000 INR as VFS fees, and around 500 to 700 INR for courier charges including passport home delivery
  • Visa received on: 21/02/2023
  • Visa processing time: 5 working days

She was issued a P6 VLS-TS visa with the comments “RECH DÉMPLOI” and “CREA ENTREPRISE”. If you have any questions, you can contact the French Embassy and consulates in India in the following article Contact Details Of French Embassy And Consulates In India

Documents submitted at VFS

Here are the various documents submitted by her during the VFS appointment.

  • Copy of Online application done via france-visas.gouv.fr
  • Copy of Passport
  • 2 Photographs
  • Copy of Travel Insurance Policy from Bajaj Allianz which cost around 7800 INR (The insurance must cover the visa’s entire validity period (1 year at the most))
  • Copy of Flight ticket
  • Copy of Hotel Accommodation booking
  • Copy of Financial documents supporting a year’s stay in France (all bank statements, sponsor bank statements (if you have a sponsor) along with sponsor identity proof and an affidavit signed by the sponsor saying he/she will support you for your entire stay), your ITR form and your sponsor’s ITR form for the last year) – This is important, in most of the cases visas get rejected due to insufficient funds.
  • Cover letter – stating the purpose of your visit. For her, it was a “Job search. But for the “Business Creation” visa, you need to submit your business plan and proof of a project to create a business in an area corresponding to your education training.
  • Copy of the Master’s degree from France.
  • Copy of the expired French Student visa.


  • Though not mandatory, she had also submitted her work experience letters before her Master’s in France.
  • Also, she submitted all the documents that she had as a Student, like Attestation des droits, her residence proof, CAF receipt, and OFII acknowledgment.
  • All originals have to be presented during the appointment. VFS retains only the photocopies.
  • Apostilled documents are only required after reaching France.

OFII process after reaching France

The P6 VLS-TS visa is a long-stay visa equivalent to a residence permit (VLS-TS) that allows you to come to France, stay ​here, and allows you to look for a job or create a business.

However, it must ​validated online within ​3 months of your arrival via the ANEF websiteYou can find a detailed explanation of this process in the following article Should I Validate My Long-Stay Visa Or Do I Have To Apply For A Residence Permit Directly?.

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6 thoughts on “VFS: APS – French Job search or Business creation visa Application experience in India”

  1. Hello Sir,

    I just graduated from a french business school. I had to leave France and come back to India as my visa got expired. Now Iam planning to apply for APS as I want to work and build my career in France.
    I researched a lot about applying for APS from India and your article about the same was the only support I got. I don’t know about the finacial requirements and about how much money I will have to show in my account and I’m clueless about how the procedure should be done from India. I’m so confused and afraid as there is no one who could lead the way and its getting too late for the application. Could you please help me in this situation

  2. Hello Prashanth, thank you so much for your blog! It is so helpful! Can you please share with me the exact insurance you applied for? My APS visa was rejected stating I need an “expat” insurance, while I submitted the travel insurance we use for student visa.

  3. Hey Prasanth,
    Hope you are doing well. So i have a query to ask. I have completed my Masters from ESC Rennes SB and the course was from 2022 – 2024. I got my Diploma in 2024 Feb. Initially when i was applying i got an Etudiant VISA for 1 year. I then applied for an Extension/Prolongation which i received till November 2024. I came back to india in 2023 May due to my grandmother’s demise and never went back to france. I have attached BAJAJ ALLIANZ health insurance for 365 Days.

    Travelling date – 3rd April and the policy was starting from 1st April.
    Please guide as i do not wish to waste more time for the same.

    I read all your articles as i wanted to apply for APS from india but my VISA got rejected yesterday Stating –

    Subject: Notification of refusal to issue a long-stay visa for job search or business creation

    File references: N°: FRA1NEXXXXXXX Name: MEHUL BHARDWAJ
    Date: 27/02/2025
    First name: MEHUL BHARDWAJ

    Text references:

    • Article L. 312-1 A of the Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum (CESEDA)
    • Article L. 422-14 of the Code on the Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum (CESEDA)

    Referring to the above-mentioned texts, I would like to inform you that I have refused to issue you with the visa you have applied for on the following grounds: You do not prove that you have adequate health insurance for the duration of your stay in France.

    Other remarks: You can contest this decision before the Cox 1, in an Appeal against the decisions of Refusal of Visa entry into France, BP 83609, 44036 Nantes cedex 1, stun pn period of thirty days from the date of the notcalion

    Referral to this commission is a practising cblgatoro d foylegsurs conlentieux

    Date and signature of the data subject (or their representative)
    Date and signature of the author of the decision (head of post or staff member who has been delegated)
    On 28/02/2025.

    I am a little worried because i wish to go back as i am getting notifications from good companies but due to no work VISA/APS i am unable to beging with the recruitment process. Please Guide.

    1. Hello Mehul, Sorry to learn about the APS visa rejection. But, It could have been easily avoided. So, I have a couple of questions about the application.

      1. Do you have a valid French SSN?. If yes, Did you submit a valid Attestation des droits document downloaded from Ameli website?. If you have read my articles, you might have seen this article too https://prasanthragupathy.com/2024/11/how-to-submit-an-application-for-aps-or-cds-rece-inside-and-outside-france/

      2. Did you submit a travel or health insurance?. More details in https://prasanthragupathy.com/2023/09/faq-which-travel-insurance-for-long-stay-visitor-visa/

      PS: If my articles and answers are helpful, please leave your feedback on Trustpilot

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