Testimonial 2: MSc in Automotive Engineering at Polytech Orléans and ISAT by Sridhar Rajaram

A series of alumni testimonials about French colleges and universities. The alumni share their personal experiences about their courses, part-time jobs, internships, job search, etc. I have focused on alumni because it can help prospective and current students get a complete picture of the course and future opportunities.

In this particular article, Sridhar was kind enough to share his Automotive Engineering Masters experiences from Polytech Orléans and ISAT.

Alumni & Course Information

Mr. Sridhar Rajaram
LinkedIn ProfileSridhar-rajaram
Master of Science “RNCP certified”
Course Specialization
Year of Graduation2015
CollegesÉcole polytechnique de l’université d’Orléans & Institut supérieur de l’automobile et des transports (ISAT)
CitiesOrleans (M1) and Nevers (M2)
Course IntakeSeptember
Course Duration (including internship)24 months
Course Fees4750 €/year (check the latest values from the course website)
Funding for the courseFamily Sponsorship
Monthly Expenses (Rent, utilities, etc)400€
French level before the CourseA1
French level after GraduationB1
Status after Graduation
Salaried Employee
Current Status
Software Project Manager (Automotive) at Bosch France, Paris

MSc AESM Course Structure

Credits: PolyTech Orleans and ISAT

Personal Experiences during the Course

  • My Masters1 (M1) was in Orleans and so the student life was amazing.
  • Coming to France and living in a student city and the university campus helped a lot. It was great meeting new people on and off campus.
  • Plus living inside the university campus helped in saving lots of time.
  • The course was amazing, we had the opportunity to learn a lot. The facilities at the university were amazing and easily accessible.
  • As I was living in a CROUS residence, I had the opportunity to meet people from various countries and they were very welcoming.
  • People welcomed me and used to include me in everything. Perhaps it had also something to do with me being an outspoken and open-minded guy.
  • Overall it was a great experience. I would be lying if I said I focused really on learning French. I mostly got away with English or with some help from English-speaking French friends.
  • For my 2nd year (M2), I moved to Nevers hence the experience was not as exciting as Orleans. It was a boring place.
  • The course and facilities were good.
  • But in comparison to Orleans, we had a better balance to all the aspects. Let it be study-wise or for personal life.

Return on Investment (ROI)

  • I was able to recover my total investment in about 1.5 years after I got my job.
  • Even though I traveled so much, I was able to recover it.

Multi-cultural Aspects of the Course

  • Tricky one: My master had 13 students including 12 Indians and 1 American.
  • So, No it was not so multicultural but now I have heard that it has slightly improved.
  • I was in an university campus and CROUS residence. So, i had the opportunity to interact and make friends from different nationalities.

Part-time Job Experience

  • Did not do any part-time job during my Masters

Internship Experience

  • I did my internship at Ecole Nationale de l’aviation Civile (ENAC) at Castelnaudary.
  • Even though it was a small town, people were very nice to me and curious to know me and about India.
  • The workplace was fantastic. The colleagues were very professional and cool I would say. It was the place where my French learning curve skyrocketed!!.
  • Plus, the French accent there was different, and hence that was also a difficulty to overcome.

Job search Experience

  • After graduating in November 2015, I went back to India to spend some time with my parents. And came back to start my job search.
  • It took me quite a few months to land my first job. I won’t say it was easy for me.
  • I don’t have track of the number of applications or rejections I faced even after learning French. But it was just a matter of grit and time.
  • Now looking back at the experiences and hardships I laugh and think it’s because of all those experiences, that I am able to stand where I am today.
  • I mainly looked for jobs via APEC and LinkedIn. I was offered a job at ENAC but was not considered being an Indian National.

Advice for Juniors

  • Learn French and don’t give up just because someone else is getting better opportunities than you.
  • Perseverance and determination go a long way. 😊

Pro tip: If someone gets a job without French, they will struggle one day or another if they don’t learn French.

Information about ISAT and PolyTech Orleans

Practical Information

Course Overview:

  • Duration: Four semesters
  • Credit Transfer: Each semester accounts for 30 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits. ECTS credits are transferable.
  • Number of places: 20
  • Tuition fees: 11,500€ (5,750€ x 2 years) subject to change according to Board policy.
  • Grants: The Conseil Régional de Bourgogne and the Conseil Régional de la Région Centre may offer grants depending on AESM S1 results.

Entrance requirements:
Students with outstanding achievements equivalent to UK First Class in the following fields can apply to this programme:

  • mechanical engineering
  • automotive engineering
  • electronics
  • computer science
  • physics or chemical engineering
  • material engineering
  • mechatronics

How to Apply:

Documents Required,

  • Application form:  www.isat.fr or www.univ-orleans.fr
  • Motivation Letter of application outlining motivation to participate in the programme.
  • Curriculum Vitae (Resumé).
  • Official copy of a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent with a transcript of records (English translation) and rank.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation and their addresses, preferably from the university or institute that awarded the first degree, who will be contacted.
  • A copy of valid ID documentation and passport.
  • A copy of the score report for the English level (IELTS, TOEFL, etc)
  • GRE

All the above documents must be sent to: master.aesm.polytech@univ-orleans.fr

Contact Information:
Polytech Orléans


  • These are original testimonials collected from the alumni via Linkedin.
  • Opinions expressed are from the alumni and so the author or the blog cannot be held responsible.
  • These testimonials include both facts and opinions. Facts will not change but opinions might differ based on personal experiences, perspectives, etc.

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