Testimonial 1: MSc in International Business at SKEMA Business School by Siva Devavarapu

A series of alumni testimonials about French colleges and universities. The alumni share their personal experiences about their courses, part-time jobs, internships, job search, etc. I have focused on alumni because it can help prospective and current students get a complete picture of the course and future opportunities.

In this particular article, Siva was kind enough to share his Master’s experiences from SKEMA Business School.

Arc de Triomphe at night, Paris, France
Arc de Triomphe at night, Paris, France. Image by vwalakte on Freepik.

Alumni & Course Information

Mr. Siva Devavarapu
LinkedIn Profile
Master of Science (MSc) “RNCP certified”
Course Specialization
Year of Graduation2020
Course IntakeSeptember (January is possible too)
Course Duration (including internship)16 months
Course Fees16, 900€
Funding for the courseBank Education Loan
Monthly Expenses (Rent, utilities, etc)650€
French level before the CourseA1
French level after GraduationA1
Status after Graduation
Salaried Employee
Current Status
Digital Marketing Manager at ZeeTim, Paris

MSc Course Options at SKEMA

Credits: SKEMA Business School

Personal Experiences during the Course

  • My course was taught in English, and this involved a lot of teamwork. It was different from my experience in India.
  • The class comprised more than 20 nationalities, making it enjoyable to meet people from around the world and learn how to collaborate effectively with them.
  • Throughout the course, I had around 10 presentations, and the exams were relatively easy.
  • The syllabus was less extensive when compared with my bachelor’s degree in India and had my first experience with an open-book exam.
  • I didn’t take any French classes during my studies. I only learned it during my part-time work,
  • Overall, it was a fun and enriching experience.

Return on Investment (ROI)

  • My return on investment has been good.
  • This was largely due to managing my monthly expenses through a part-time job until I secured a full-time position.
  • Consequently, my only outstanding debt was my college fees, which I managed to pay off in approximately two and a half years.

Multi-cultural Aspects of the Course

  • The class composition included approximately 35-40% Indian students, with the remaining being of various other nationalities.
  • I observed that there was a slightly higher representation of Indian students at Skema, possibly due to the effective marketing efforts targeted toward Indian audiences.

Part-time Job Experience

  • My part-time experience was also good. Initially, it was a bit difficult because I wasn’t able to understand French. But slowly I understood the words and sentences spoken during work.
  • I worked in McDonald’s during evenings after my school and I worked around 18 hours per week. I also learnt managing time here because I have to go to school, cook for myself, do part-time and also work on my projects, apply for jobs, etc.
  • Working part-time actually improved my French listening skills. I studied only till A1 in India and I came to France. However I understood nothing because the accent was so different and the native speakers speak very fast.
  • Working part time helped me absorb the basics of the language as that is the only place where I was exposed to french. My Masters was completely taught in English and so no French there.
Eiffel tower in Paris, France
Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. Image from pexels.com

Internship Experience

  • The overall experience was good.
  • Unfortunately, I got my internship in the peak of COVID, so it was completely work from home. I had never worked in India, so I can’t compare the experience.
  • I can only say that I loved working for a French company. They were patient in teaching me and welcoming me into the team.
  • I am the only foreigner in the team.

Job search Experience

  • Job search was pretty tough because we were the first batch graduated after COVID (May 2020).
  • Also, I wasn’t good in speaking French speaker. So the opportunities were less.
  • I applied for around 8 months and then I got my internship.
  • Fortunately the internship got converted into a full time Contract.

Advice for Juniors

  • If possible, Learn French till B1/B2 before coming to France.
  • Believe in yourself and keep applying for jobs.
  • You hear many people saying, it’s very hard to find a job if you don’t speak French, etc.
  • If I was able to find a job without speaking french, so can you.

I always suggest to learn French because it increases the opportunities and also makes your everyday life a lot easier here.

Information about SKEMA Business School

  • A Business school with 3 campuses in France – Lille, Paris and Sophia Antipolis.
  • The Grande Ecole offers Bachelors, Masters including MBA and PhD degrees.
  • Courses are taught in English.
  • Seven campuses worldwide: Belo Horizonte, Lille, Paris, Raleigh, Sophia Antipolis, Stellenbosch, and Suzhou.
  • More than 160 partner universities.
  • Close to 100 specializations in France and abroad including 36 specializations delivering SKEMA double degree MiM/MSc and 20 double and triple degrees and diplomas with international partners.
  • Multi accreditation: EQUIS, AACSB and EFMD EMBA Accredited.
  • 99% of students have a job within six months of graduation (source:
    SKEMA Talent & Careers)

SKEMA Global Ranking

CourseQS World University Rankings
Global BBA – Bachelors in Business Administration (course website)2024 : 4th in France (Le Figaro)
Master in Management (Grande Ecole Programme) (course website)2024 : 23rd Worldwide
MSc Financial Markets and Investments(course website)2023 : 4th worldwide (“pre-experience masters”)
MSc International Business (course website)
MSc International Marketing & Business Development (course website)
MSc Business Consulting & Digital Transformation (course website)
MSc Global Supply Chain Management & Procurement (course website)
Executive Education & EMBA (course website)


  • These are original testimonials collected from the alumni via Linkedin.
  • Opinions expressed are from the alumni and so the author or the blog cannot be held responsible.
  • These testimonials include both facts and opinions. Facts will not change but opinions might differ based on personal experiences, perspectives, etc.

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