911 number in France, How to contact emergency services in France?, police, ambulance, fire services, etc

List of Emergency phone numbers in France

Last Updated: October 11, 2024 | By: @rprasanth_kumar

In times of crisis, knowing how to swiftly reach emergency services can make all the difference between life and death. So, this article lists the various emergency phone numbers in France, things to say during the call, and also some useful French vocabulary.

From 1st October 2024, calls made by emergency operations centers in France will be identified on your phone as 0800 112 112. This is not a malicious or commercial call. You can answer them in complete confidence and at no cost. For more details, New Emergency Callback Number 0800 112 112 in France: Not a SPAM.

Image: Police Nationale
SAMU Emergency Helicopter in France. Photo by Andre Bour
SAMU Emergency Helicopter in France. Photo by Andre Bour

Emergency phone numbers in France

Here are some of the most commonly used contact numbers of emergency services in France.

Emergency Number
Emergency Medical Services / Service d’Assistance Médicale Urgente (SAMU). You must indicate exactly your location and the nature of the incident.
Police or Gendarmerie
Fire and Rescue Services / Service d’Incendie et de Secours
European Emergency SOS number for Foreigners
114Deaf or people with hearing issues or you are not able to call (talk), you can send a free text message to 114
Homeless people emergency and reception / Assistance aux sans domicile fixe (SDF)
Families of missing or abducted children: Telephone reception and information service
Child or adolescent in danger
Aeronautical emergencies (When your plane is about to crash)
Maritime emergencies along the coast (but only from land, otherwise use VHF 16)
32 or 38 on INMARSAT
Maritime emergencies: contact via satellite or mobile
+33 5 34 39 33 33
Terrorist attack, kidnapping, or both
Young victims of online violence or cyber-harassment
Harassement in school
Suicide prevention. This number helps meet the immediate needs of people seeking help: listening, assessing, responding, emergency, referral, or crisis follow-up. People who are worried about a loved one may also call.
Emergency while using public transport like bus, train, etc.
3117 – call (mobile app is available too)
31177 – SMS
Female victims of violence: Listen, inform, and refer women victims of violence, and witnesses to such violence.
Addresses physical, verbal, or psychological abuse, at home or at work, and abuse of any kind (including sexual harassment, assault, and rape).
Abuse of the elderly and disabled: Listen, support and help for the elderly or disabled, for carers and for witnesses of abuse against them.
0800 06 66 66
Information on the heatwave and the main recommendations to follow in case of heat.
3624 (0,15€ / min) or 01 43 37 77 77
Emergency doctors (SOS Médicins)
01 43 80 40 66
Society for the Protection of Animals (Société Protectrice des Animaux)

What to say during the call?

During the call with the emergency services, you must clearly explain the following.

  • I am a victim or witness… I give a phone number on which I remain reachable.
  • I give the precise address of the place where the services must intervene, especially if I am not there.
  • I specify the reasons for my appeal, the state of the situation, and that of the possible victims.
  • I express myself clearly to my interlocutor and I listen carefully to the advice given on the conduct to be held before the arrival of the help.
  • I answer all the questions asked by the telephone operator.
Emergency medical care vehicle by SAMU, France
Emergency medical care vehicle by SAMU, France. Photo from X_Twitter @SAMU74

Useful vocabulary during emergencies

Some words and phrases in French useful during emergency situations in France

(Severely) allergic
(Sévèrement) allergique
AccidentUn accident
Ambulanceune ambulance
une commotion cérébrale
Diabetic, I need insulin
diabétique, j’ai besoin d’insuline
Difficulty breathing/gasping
difficultés à respirer
Elderly personPersonne âgée
Emergency numbers
numéros d’urgence
Emergency services/ambulance
Service d’Aide Médicale d’Urgence (SAMU}
Extremely illTrès malade
Fire brigade
les sapeurs-pompiers
Heart attackCrise cardiaque
Help meAidez moi
Help!Au secours!
A l’aide!
Hemorrhageune hémorragie
I am being burgled
Je suis en train de me faire cambrioler
I am bleeding a lot
je saigne beaucoup
I am in labour
Je suis en train d’accoucher
I am injuredJe suis blessé
I am innocentJe suis innocent
I can’t breathe
Je ne peux pas respirer
I didn’t do it
Je n’ai pas fait ça
I have difficulty breathing
J’ai des difficultés à respirer
I have had an accident
J’ai eu un accident
I live at…J’habite à…
I need a doctor
J’ai besoin d’un médecin
I need an ambulance
J’ai besoin d’une ambulance
I need an ambulance
J’ai besoin d’une ambulance
I need the police
J’ai besoin de la police
I want a lawyer
Je veux un avocat
I was attackedJ’ai été agressé
I was harassedJ’ai été harcelé
I was kidnappedJ’ai été kidnappé
I was rapedJ’ai été violée
I was robbed
Je me suis fait voler / J’ai été volé
It’s an emergency
C’est un cas d’urgence
My location isMa localité est
My name is…Je m’appelle
My telephone number is…
Mon numéro de téléphone est…
Please take me quickly to hospital
Emmenez-moi rapidement à l’hôpital
Poisoning emergency
Urgence d’empoisonnement
la Police Nationale or gendarmerie
Road emergency services
Services d’urgence routière
Une attaque cérébrale
The car is on fire
La voiture a pris feu
The house is on fire
La maison a pris feu
To be poisoneds’empoisonner
To bleedsaigner
Perdre connaissance
Very sickTrès malade
Peugeot 5008 Police car in France
Peugeot 5008 Police car in France. Screenshot from X_Twitter of la police nationale

Sources & References

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