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Tax: Essential Documents for Income Tax declaration in France

Every year, millions of taxpayers in France submit their income tax declarations during the April-June tax season. So, here are a few examples of essential documents required for completing the income tax declaration (non-exhaustive list).

Checklist of Documents

A non-exhaustive checklist of essential documents useful for completing the tax declaration.

  • For offline declarations via post, List of Income Tax Declaration Forms in France.
  • Last year’s tax return “Avis d’imposition”, which you received by post last year or downloaded by logging in to your Impots account.
  • Your bank account information “Relevé d’identité bancaire (RIB)” for tax payments, receiving refunds, etc.
  • Your payslip “Fiche de paie” from last December. It will be required to know your total salaried income before tax and the tax amount withheld by your employer.
  • Tax attestation “Attestation fiscale”  for pensioners downloaded from lassuranceretraite.fr
  • Complete details of all your non-french bank accounts, insurance policies, and investment accounts including cryptocurrencies. Form 3916
  • Tax status forms “Imprimé fiscal unique (IFU)” sent by your brokerage companies, banks, insurance companies, crypto exchanges, crowdfunding platforms, etc.
  • Relevé fiscal from Ameli.fr for payments related to sick leave (arrêt maladie), disabled allowance, accident at work, etc.
  • Receipts for donations made to non-profit associations in France. These are eligible for tax reductions.
  • Tax certificates “Attestation fiscale” for childcare expenses, employing someone at home, etc downloaded from organizations such as Pajemploi , etc. These are eligible for tax credits.
  • Bank account or forex account statements for money sent pension alimentaire to parents or grandparents.
  • Bills for installation of an electric vehicle charging system at your home.
  • Documents related to real estate investments via Loi Pinel, Denormandie, Duflot, etc.

Sources & References

  1. What is the NIF (TIN in English)?
  2. Calculation of income tax Code général des impôts : articles 193 à 199
  3. Amount below which tax is not collected Code général des impôts : articles 1657 à 1659 A
  4. Bofip-Impôts n°BOI-IR-LIQ-20 relatif au calcul de l’impôt sur le revenu
  5. How to calculate your income tax according to the income tax brackets & rates ? Economie.gouv.fr


  • Any finance-related information shared is not professional legal, tax, or investment advice.
  • The information provided is of an educational and general nature and is not investment advice within the meaning of Articles L. 321-1 and D. 321-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.
  • Investment carries risks of loss and past performance does not guarantee future performance.
  • For all professional advice, please consult a certified financial planner, CGP, CIF, tax consultant, etc.

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