FAQ_Frequently Asked Questions_Income tax in France_2024

Tax: 2024 Income Tax simulator for income earned during 2023

Every year, millions of taxpayers in France submit their income tax declarations during the April-June tax season. So, the French tax department publishes an online tax simulator to estimate the taxes every year.

French Income Tax Simulators

These simulations can help to estimate your,

  • Net Taxable Income or Revenu Net Imposable (RNI)
  • Family Quotient or Quotient Familial (QF)
  • Gross Tax to be paid by the household or Impôt Brut (IB)
  • Net Tax to be paid by the household or Impôt Net (IN)
  • Income tax brackets “tranches d’imposition” and tax rates “taux d’imposition”
  • Revenu Fiscal Reference (RFR)

Simple Simulation: Click here

  • It is suitable for people who only need to declare their salaries, pensions, real estate income, profits from selling stocks, and social charges.
  • Also, the common deductions related to alimony, childcare costs, donations to non-profit associations, etc.

Complete Simulation: Click here

  • It is suitable for those who also have other sources of income from businesses, agricultural activity, investments in French foreign territories, tax credits from foreign investments, etc.
Online Tax simulatr_2024-France
Credits: DGFIP

Sources & References

  1. What is the NIF (TIN in English)?
  2. Quelle est la date limite pour faire sa déclaration de revenus ? Service-public.fr
  3. 2024 Income Tax Calculation Simulator:  income earned in 2023 www.impots.gouv.fr
  4. Impôt sur le revenu : tranches et taux d’imposition 2024 Service-public.fr
  5. Quel est le barème de l’impôt sur le revenu ? Service-public.fr
  6. Quotient familial et impôt sur le revenu : comment ça marche ? Economie.gouv.fr
  7. Pouvez-vous bénéficier de la décote de l’impôt sur le revenu ? Economie.gouv.fr
  8. Calculation of income tax Code général des impôts : articles 193 à 199
  9. Amount below which tax is not collected Code général des impôts : articles 1657 à 1659 A
  10. Bofip-Impôts n°BOI-IR-LIQ-20 relatif au calcul de l’impôt sur le revenu
  11. How to calculate your income tax according to the income tax brackets & rates ? Economie.gouv.fr


  • Any finance-related information shared is not professional legal, tax, or investment advice.
  • The information provided is of an educational and general nature and is not investment advice within the meaning of Articles L. 321-1 and D. 321-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.
  • Investment carries risks of loss and past performance does not guarantee future performance.
  • For all professional advice, please consult a certified financial planner, CGP, CIF, tax consultant, etc.

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