Passport Talent resident permit holders in France can invite their spouse and minor children as dependents to France. These dependents benefit from a simplified invitation procedure. So, the entire visa process takes 2 to 4 weeks.
A dependent spouse can apply for this visa, as soon as the host spouse receives the “Attestation de décision favorable” in France. They do not have to wait until the availability of the resident permit card.
Who can apply for a Passport Talent Dependent Visa ?
Spouses and children (minors) of the people holding the following visa or resident permits can apply for the Passport Talent Dependant visa,
- Passeport Talent Salarié Qualifié (Passeport Talent Salary Visa or CdS)
- Passeport Talent Entreprise Innovante (Passeport Talent Innovative Entreprise Visa or CdS)
- Passeport Talent Carte Bleue Européenne (Passeport Talent European Blue Card Visa or CdS)
- Passeport Talent Salarie en Mission (Passeport Talent Salary in Mission Visa or CdS)
- Passeport Talent Chercheur (Passeport Talent Researcher Visa or CdS)
- Other Passeport Talent categories too
Note: Adult children (above 18 years old) have to apply for their own visa separately. They are not eligible for the dependant visas.

Checklist of Documents
Here is a non-exhaustive checklist for the French Dependent Visa application. The documents listed are based on the VFS checklist and also the various experiences shared by the expat community.
The accommodation verification process by OFII is not applicable for Passport Talent dependent visa applications. However, the minimum requirement of 12 sq meters is highly recommended to avoid any issues.
Visa Application Process
The dependent visa application process is simple. ere are a couple of examples explaining the process in detail including documents submitted, examples of cover letters, etc.
- Passport Talent dependent visa Application experience – Hyderabad
- Passport Talent dependent visa Application experience – Chennai
- One application must be submitted per person. So, a separate application for your spouse and each child.
- Family members travelling together can submit the visa application at the same time via a single appointment.
Process after reaching France
When your spouse reaches France, the long-stay visa must be converted into a valid residence permit. The conversion procedure will depend on the type of the visa.
Depending on the visa category (VLS or VLS-TS), he/she must either apply for a resident permit or just validate the visa online. The following article covers this topic in detail.
Minor children
For your children, you must apply for the “Document de circulation pour étranger mineur (DCEM)” online on ANEF portal
- You must login to your own ANEF account and apply for the child.
- The DCEM allows the minor to travel outside and return to France.
- But, it is to be used within Schengen area and for travelling to your home country (Ex: India). So, avoid transiting via non-Schengen countries like UK, etc.
- It must be presented in addition to the child’s passport.
- The DCEM is issued for a maximum period of 5 years.
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Sources & References
- The Schengen area explained
- Visa application guidelines
- VFS Global
- Liste des documents à fournir à l’appui d’une demande de carte de séjour pluriannuelle « Famille accompagnante »
- Fact sheet: “Accompanying family” simplified procedure
- Document de circulation pour étranger mineur (DCEM)
“I found your detailed explanations on the visa process very helpful, but I noticed there are many options to select when filling out the form. Would it be possible to add guidance on how to complete each section of the form as well?”
Hello Vijay,
I have seen the France visa application form 100s of times and it’s nothing complicated. All the lines are self-explanatory.
If required, I can make a video explaining the application form.