What are the maximum Fee limits for a PEA account in France?

A Plan d’épargne en actions (PEA) is a regulated savings product “that allows you to invest in a portfolio of shares of European companies. The financial markets regulator in France, AMF has published the account fee caps applicable to a PEA account. So, Banks, Insurance companies, and brokerages cannot charge fees above these limits.

Official Limits on PEA Fees

As part of the La loi PACTE of 2019, the caps on PEA (Plan d’Épargne en Actions) account fees came into effect on 1st July 2020.

This regulation applies to all PEA and PEA-PME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) accounts. Below are the details of the capped fees:

Fees Overview

Type of FeesOfficial Limits
Account Opening FeesLimited to 10€
Account Maintenance FeesLimited to 0.4% of plan value. Possible increase per line or unit of account, limited to:
– 5€ for listed securities,
– 25€ for unlisted securities
Transaction Fees
Limited to 0.5% of the transaction amount if carried out dematerialized, and to 1.2% in other cases.
These fees do not apply to transactions in securities listed outside the European Union and the European Economic Area.
Transfer and closing feesThey cannot exceed per line:
– 15€ for listed securities,
– 50€ for unlisted securities
All fees are capped at 150€

Note: These fees may be reviewed every three years to account for inflation.

French Translations

  • Account Opening Fees: Frais d’ouverture
  • Account Maintenance Fees: Droits de garde (frais de tenue de compte)
  • Transaction Fees: Frais de transaction
  • Transfer and closing fees: Frais de transfert et de clôture

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