Banking: LEP savings account interest rate is reduced to 4%

The Livret d’épargne populaire (LEP) savings account is designed for individuals with limited financial means and has an annual income cap. Its interest rate is adjusted twice a year and, as of 1st August 2024, is set at 4%.

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LEP Interest Rates

DatesInterest Rates

1st Aug 2024 to 31st Jan 2025

Until 31st July 20245%

Summary of LEP Savings Account

WhomLow-income households based on RFR (Revenu fiscal de référence) available in their French tax declarations
WhereBanks in France
Minimum Balance30 €
Contract DurationNone
Maximum Balance10,000 € excluding interests earned
Interest Rate

4% from 1st Aug 2024 to 31st Jan 2025.

It was 5% until 31st July 2024.

Interest PaymentCalculated every 15 days on 1st & 16th day of the  month. Paid annually on 31st December
WithdrawalAnytime of the year
TaxationExempt from taxes and social charges

Income Limits for 2024

To open a LEP savings account in 2024, your 2022 reference tax income (mentioned on your 2023 tax notice) or your 2023 reference tax income (2024 tax notice) must not exceed the below limits. Check the revenu fiscal de référence value available on your French income tax notice.

Quotient Familial
Income Limit (RFR)
1 part22 419 €
1.5 part28 406 €
2 parts34 393 €
2.5 parts40 380 €
3 parts46 367 €
3.5 parts52 354 €
4 parts58 341 €
Additional half parts5 987 €

To know more about Quotient Familial, Tax brackets, etc in France, please refer to French Income tax brackets and tax rates in 2024.

Sources & References 📕


  • Any finance-related information shared is not professional legal, tax, or investment advice.
  • The information provided is of an educational and general nature and is not investment advice within the meaning of Articles L. 321-1 and D. 321-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.
  • Investment carries risks of loss and past performance does not guarantee future performance.

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