Solution: My CPF account is blocked without a France Connect+ account

Since 21st October 2022, to register for a training on Mon Compte Formation (CPF) training account, you must have a France Connect + account, opened via the digital identification service of La Poste.

Unfortunately, not everyone is eligible to open a FranceConnect+ account online. These people must follow a manual process to verify their digital identity and steps are explained in this article. 

Topics Covered  📚 

  1. What is FranceConnect+?
    • When to use FranceConnect+?
    • Eligibility conditions for FranceConnect+?
  2. People who aren’t eligible for using FranceConnect+
  3. Sources & References

What is FranceConnect+?

FranceConnect+ is a more secure version of FranceConnect.

  • It is a government-provided solution to make your online transactions safer.
  • It allows you to use your digital identity to prove who you are online in a simple and secure way.

When to use FranceConnect+?

You can use FranceConnect+ when you want to access the online procedures involving the processing of your sensitive personal data, such as changing RIB, sending your proof of identity for a claim or opening a bank account. For example,

Eligibility conditions for FranceConnect+?

People wo satisfy the following citeria can access FranceConnect+ via La Poste’s digital identity service:

  • Be over 18 years old.
  • Be in possession of a French ID or valid residence permit with five years validity.
  • Have a smartphone to download the mobile application.

People who aren’t eligible for using FranceConnect+

If you are not eligible and unable to verify your identity on FranceConnect+, you can follow the process explained below and unblock the situation manually. This manual identity verification process takes about four weeks.

Steps to Follow

  1. Create your account on “Mon Compte Formation” if you haven’t already.
  2. Download and fill out the “Identity Verification Request for CPF Training” form.
  3. Prepare the following documents:
    • A copy of your ID such as national ID card (EU citizens), passport and  residence permit (non-EU citizens)
    • A copy of your latest social security attestation downloaded from your Ameli account.
  4. Send the completed form along with the required documents by post to:
    • MCF
    • Service de demande de vérification d’identité
    • Libre Réponse 78788
    • 59889 LILLE CEDEX 9
  5. Once your application is processed, you’ll receive a registered letter at the address provided in the form. Your identity will be verified either:
    • At your home, when the registered letter is delivered to you in person, or
    • At a post office when you collect the registered letter.
  6. After your identity is verified, you’ll receive an email in approximately 10 days inviting you to proceed with your training purchase. You can also keep checking regularly by trying to logging into the moncompteformation website using FranceConnext+.


  • You don’t need to stamp the envelope or send it via registered mail. A regular envelope with the address mentioned above is sufficient.
  • Only complete applications with all required documents will be processed.

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