List of Indian Community Social Media Forums in France: WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram

Published on: October 04, 2024 |  By: @rprasanth_kumar

The Indian community in France is diverse and active, with people from various parts of India and French overseas territories. The community includes expatriates, students, professionals, business people and long-term residents. Various social media forums on Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. across France help the diaspora to communicate with each other.

Indian Forums in France (based in Paris)

The following social media forums are mostly based in Paris and cover the Indian community living across France.

Generic Forums

I have selected the 3 forums that I can personally vouch. There are so many others and you can find them online by searching Indians in France, Indians in Paris, etc. Multiple groups have similar names.

  • Indian Community in France: Facebook and WhatsApp.
  • Indian Students Group – Bachelors, Masters and PhD: Telegram.
  • India – France: Savings, Investments & Taxes – Discussions: Telegram.

Forums run by Associations

Most of the associations have their own WhatsApp groups too. Often, this requires completing a Google form and then the team adds you to the group.

Other Cities in France

Various Indian community social media forums present in cities outside Paris are listed below. Many associations have members only WhatsApp groups.


  • If I have missed any important community forum, please share the relevant information in the comments section under this article. 
  • This list is not exhaustive because there are so many small local forums, associations, etc.  and its difficult to cover everything across the country.
  • Any political and religious forums have been avoided for obvious reasons.

2 thoughts on “List of Indian Community Social Media Forums in France: WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram”

    1. Thanks Siddhant. The idea is to share the invite link or Google form, so people can join easily. The form helps to keep spammers away.

      For the Lyon association, I have already shared the link of the FB group.

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