How to apply for an Indian Passport or Renewal in France?: Embassy of India in Paris

Published on: February 21, 2025 |  Article No: 304 | By: @rprasanth_kumar

If you’re an Indian national residing in France and need to apply, renew or re-issue your passport, navigating the process can feel overwhelming. Whether your passport is expiring, has insufficient pages, or has been lost or damaged, understanding the correct procedures, required documents, and associated fees is crucial.

This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about Indian passport application and renewal in France, including eligibility criteria, required documents, fees, VFS Centre locations, and processing times.

Indian passports are typically issued with a validity of 10 years (5 years for children up to the age of 15). Re-issuance involves obtaining a new passport when changes are needed or pages are exhausted. A new passport may be issued under the following conditions:

  • Insufficient pages in the current passport.
  • Lost or damaged passport.
  • Expired passport with expired or valid visa/récépissé/resident card.
  • Changes in personal information, such as: spouse name addition/deletion, name change (e.g., marriage, divorce, death of spouse), address or signature changes and appearance changes.

Indian Passport renewal applications can be submitted within 1 year from the expiry date. It cannot be done earlier.

Checklist of Documents for Indian Passport Application

General Documents

  1. Online form duly filled and signed. Ensure you select the correct mission (Paris) and passport service type, fill in all details without errors, and print and sign the form.
  2. One Photograph as per Indian standards.  If required, there is a photobooth at VFS Paris  and it will cost €10.
  3. Original Indian passport along with self-attested copies of first and last pages (in case of lost passport the copy or at least the passport number should be provided). Original Passport will be retained by VFS and returned along with the new Passport.
  4. Self-attested photocopy of your valid French Visa / Titre de Séjour/ Récépissé. Original must be presented for verification.
  5. Photocopy of one of the following to prove your address in France in the name of applicant or his/her spouse: Electricity bill/ Gas bill / Landline / Mobile/ Water bill, Rent receipt (Printed version only) or Bank statement (Relevé de compte). Please note that the document should not be more than 6 months old.
  6. Annexure ‘A’ (For those applicants who have criminal proceedings pending against them and whose applications would attract the provisions of clause (f) of sub-section (2) of Section 6 of the Passports Act, 1967.
  7. Undertaking to be filled by all applicants when submitting any application.
  8. VFS Declaration form to be printed and signed.

Additional Documents for Minors

  1. Photocopies of parent(s) Passport(s).
  2. Photocopy of DCEM (child’s resident permit) attested by Parent(s). Some additional information is available at Childbirth: Personal Experience of having a baby in France.
  3. Copy of the marriage certificate of the parents (or Annexure C if child is born out of wedlock or other parent’s whereabouts is unknown).
  4. Declaration Minor form.
  5. At time of submission of application if:
    • Both parents are in France and one parent is present to deposit the application: Annexure ‘H’.
    • Single parent with no authorization from other parent: Annexure ‘G’.
    • One parent is in France and the other parent is in India or another country abroad: Annexure ‘H’ filled by the parent residing abroad and attested by the Indian Mission abroad/RPO in India and then signed by the parent in France.

Additional Documents for specific situations

  • For addition of spouse name in passport: Marriage Certificate. If married outside India (and to a foreign national), the certificate must be apostilled.
  • For deletion of spouse name: Divorce order / decree
  • For change of spouse name:
    1. Divorce order/ decree or death certificate of first spouse and
    2. Re-marriage certificate or Joint Photo Declaration by both husband & wife
  • For change of surname by women applicant following marriage/ divorce:
    1. Marriage certificate or Joint Photo Declaration by both husband & wife.
    2. Divorce order/ decree (if name/ surname change is based on divorce)

Some Important Notes

  • VFS does not accept an Attestation d’hébergement as address proof for adults.
  • In case of irregular immigration status in France, documents related to the status will be required too. Please consult the VFS website for more information.
  • Foreign divorce judgements are not accepted. In case of mutually agreed or mutually properly contested divorce cases also, an application must be submitted by the parties at the competent Indian civil court and a declaratory order authenticating and confirming that the foreign divorce decree is in accordance with Indian law must be obtained by the concerned parties.

Indian Passport Application Process

When to Apply?: You can apply for a renewal of Passport up to 1 year before the expiry  date and not earlier. However, in case of any change of personal particulars, lost/damaged, exhaustion of pages you may apply for re-issue of passport at any time.

Where to Submit?: Applicants must book an appointment and be physically present at one of these VFS Centres:

📍 Paris: 16 Boulevard du General Leclerc, 6th Floor, 92110 Clichy.
📍 Marseille: VFS GLOBAL – ICPVAC INDE, 165 Avenue du Prado, Centre Regus, 8th Floor, 13008 Marseille.

Note: Appointments must be booked under Indian Services category via the VFS Appointment Booking. For any official information, please refer to the Embassy of India (Paris) website, EOI Paris: Passport/Emergency Certificate/ Surrender Certificate/ Police Clearance Certificate

VFS Global_Indian Visa_Passport_Application Centre in Paris

Application Fees

Below is a breakdown of the Indian passport application fees and the additional service charges.

  • Total Fees to be paid = Primary Fees + Service charges. So, a passport renewal application (36 pages) will cost approximately  €100.

Primary Fees

Passport ServiceFee (€)
Issue/Re-issue of passport (36 pages)€60
Issue/Re-issue of passport (for minors under 18, 36 pages)€40
Issue/Re-issue of passport (60 pages)€75
Re-Issue of passport in case of loss or damage (36 pages)€110
Re-Issue of passport in case of loss or damage (60 pages)€130

Additional Service Charges: Apart from the passport fees, additional service charges and taxes are applicable.

ServiceFee (€)
VF Services (UK) Limited service charge€6.96
Delivery and SMS-Email service€30 + €2 
Envelope (per passport)Included in delivery fee
ICWF Tax (Indian Community Welfare Fund)€2

Payment Details: VFS accepts payments in cash or normal bank cards (Visa or Mastercard). If your want to pay by cash, you must carry the exact change.

Processing Time

Each passport application is processed individually by the Embassy/Consulate of India, and processing times vary depending on police verification reports done in India. When the new Passport is available, you will receive SMS/E-mail notifications. VFS will send it your home address in France via DHL Postal Service. 

VFS CentreApproximate Processing Time
ParisUsually 2-4 weeks
MarseilleSimilar timeline as Paris

📌 Tatkal Procedure: In case of lost passports during short visits to France, Tatkal cases are processed only at the Indian Embassy.

Note: A passport application process is complete only the Police verification in India is completed too. 

Personal Experiences

Will be added soon.

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Photos of VFS Global Office in Paris (92110 Clichy)

VFS Global Office in Paris (92110 Clichy)
Photo Booth at VFS Global Office in Paris (92110 Clichy)
Entrance of Indian Consular Application Center of VFS Paris
Applicants at VFS Global Office in Paris (92110 Clichy)

3 thoughts on “How to apply for an Indian Passport or Renewal in France?: Embassy of India in Paris”

  1. Hello Prasanth,

    Thanks for the detailed blog.

    I would like to correct a small detail here— the fee for Issue/Re-issue of a passport (36 pages) has increased from €60 to €100.96 (I remember paying this amount recently).


    1. Hello Harshita,

      Not exactly. The €100.96 that you paid in total for your Indian Passport Renewal includes the services charges too, explained on the 2nd table above.

      I will add a note highlighting the same, making it more obvious.


    2. Added a note above. Total Fees to be paid = Primary Fees + Service charges. So, a passport renewal application (36 pages) will cost approximately  €100.


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