french income tax declaration calendar

Tax : French Income Tax Declaration Deadlines in 2024 for AY2023 income

Every year, millions of taxpayers in France submit their income tax declarations during the April-June tax season.

Income Tax declaration is done during the current year for the income earned in the previous calendar year.

For example, the 2024 declaration is done for the income earned from January to December 2023.

Article last updated: 12th March 2024

Here are the offline and online declaration deadlines based on the first 2 digits of your French postal codes. The various tax forms for offline paper-based declarations will be available at the beginning of April on the Impots website.

2024 Income Tax Calculation Simulator: income earned in 2023

Income Tax Declaration Deadlines in 2024

11th April,  2024Opening of the 2024 online income tax declaration via
21st May,  2024Deadline for 2024 income tax declaration in paper format across France. Both resident and non-resident declaration.
23rd May,  2024Deadline for 2024 online income tax declaration for Departments 01 to 19.
30th May,  2024Deadline for 2024 online income tax declaration for departments 20 to 54.
6th June,  2024Deadline for 2024 online income tax declaration for departments 55 to 976.

The deadlines are the same for both resident and non-resident tax declarations.

Sources & References

  1. What is the NIF (TIN in English)?
  2. Quelle est la date limite pour faire sa déclaration de revenus ?
  3. 2024 Income Tax Calculation Simulator:  income earned in 2023
  4. Impôt sur le revenu : tranches et taux d’imposition 2024
  5. Quel est le barème de l’impôt sur le revenu ?
  6. Quotient familial et impôt sur le revenu : comment ça marche ?
  7. Pouvez-vous bénéficier de la décote de l’impôt sur le revenu ?
  8. Calculation of income tax Code général des impôts : articles 193 à 199
  9. Amount below which tax is not collected Code général des impôts : articles 1657 à 1659 A
  10. Bofip-Impôts n°BOI-IR-LIQ-20 relatif au calcul de l’impôt sur le revenu
  11. How to calculate your income tax according to the income tax brackets & rates ?

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  • Any finance-related information shared is not professional legal, tax, or investment advice.
  • The information provided is of an educational and general nature and is not investment advice within the meaning of Articles L. 321-1 and D. 321-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.
  • Investment carries risks of loss and past performance does not guarantee future performance.
  • For all professional advice, please consult a certified financial planner, CGP, CIF, tax consultant, etc.

4 thoughts on “Tax : French Income Tax Declaration Deadlines in 2024 for AY2023 income”

  1. Hi Prasanth ,
    Two questions
    1. Do I have to declare my LIC life insurance policy that I took in India ?
    Even if the account and future gains will be limited to Indian account only?

    2. I had previously declared my foriegn bank account to the impôts via paper ( first declaration) I don’t find them visible anywhere while doing online declarations how do I know if it’s taken into account or not ?
    Can I re-declare the same account?


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