Long-stay Visitor Visa to France to France

Cover Letter: Long-stay Visitor Visa application to France #1

Example of a cover letter for the French long-stay visitor visa application in India. In this example, the visa applicant was invited by the family living in France.

Cover Letter for Long-stay Visitor Visa

Consulat Général de France
Ambassadeur de France
Mumbai, Inde


Monsieur l’Ambassadeur,

Subject : Request to grant long stay France visa

I, XXX (Indian Passport Holder with No. YYY) was living with my son and family in India. I am a housewife and I am not engaged in any financial activities in India.

To live together and to support my grandchildren, I am requesting you to grant us a long-stay visa. By this letter, I also assure you that we won’t engage in any professional activities.

My son, ZZZ (Indian Passport Holder with No. UUU) has been working on visa passport talent: employee on mission since MMYYYY. He holds titre de sejour valid till DD/MM/YYYY. His family including his wife and 2 kids have also joined him in France since MM/YYYY.

Now, I am missing their presence and to support myself emotionally, I would like to visit them and enjoy my time with the grandchildren. On the other hand, I am getting older too and need their mental support too.

All the costs including travel and accommodation in France and all other expenses during my stay will be sponsored by my son.

With this letter, I am requesting assistance from your side to approve my long-stay visa.

Thanking you in advance for considering my request without any delay.

XYZ (Full name of the applicant)
Address in India

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