Driving – No more Point Reductions for minor Speeding Violations in France

The Interior Minister of France, Monsieur Gérald Darmanin announced the removal of penalty points for smaller speeding violations on French roads. 

  • Starting from 1st January 2024, drivers overspeeding less than 5 km/h, will no longer lose a point on their driving license. 
  • An official décret n° 2023-1150 du 6 décembre 2023 was published regarding the changes to overspeeding penalties.
  • There is already a 5km/h tolerance allowed by the radar (speed camera). For example, if you drive at 57km/h, the radar will register only 52km/h. So, do not confuse this tolerance with this new update. 
  • Previously, overspeeding under 5 km/h resulted in a point deduction and a fine between 68 to 135 euros.
  • So, small overspeeding infractions (under 5 km/h) will only result in a monetary fine from January.
  • Drivers guilty of overspeeding less than 5km/h will still have to pay a fine of 68 euros outside city limits and 135 euros inside city limits. A reduced payment of 45 euros and 90 euros respectively is possible if paid within a certain duration.
  • A reduction of one point on the driving license will now apply for overspeeding between 5 km/h and 20 km/h than the maximum speed allowed.
  • In 2020, 58% of the 12.5 million radar-controlled speeding tickets were for speeds less than 5 km/h, according to the Interior Ministry.

Here is a summary of penalties and points deductions on your driving license for overspeeding in France.

OverspeedingPenaltyPoints Lost
Less than 5 km/h68 €, outside city limits0
135 €, inside city limits
Between 5 and 19 km/h68 €, if max speed allowed is 50km/h or less-1
135 €, if max speed allowed is above 50km/h
Between 20 and 29 km/h135 €-2
Between 30 and 39 km/h135 €-3
Between 40 and 49 km/h135 €-4
From 50 km/h and moreUpto 1500 €-6

The Interior Minister of France Monsieur Gérald Darmanin shared on X (formerly Twitter), “A common sense measure for our fellow citizens”

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