Employment : Pole Emploi is renamed as France Travail
Since 1st January 2024, Pôle emploi has evolved and has become France Travail. The name change will be implemented gradually on all the related websites, applications and local branches.
Since 1st January 2024, Pôle emploi has evolved and has become France Travail. The name change will be implemented gradually on all the related websites, applications and local branches.
In the majority of metropolitan France, the winter sales is organized for 4 weeks from Wednesday, 10th January, 2024 to Tuesday, 6th February, 2024 (included).
A summary of the various savings accounts offered by Banks in France. Some are tax-free, while others are taxed 30 % flat tax or according to your income tax bracket.
According to a 20th December Decree published in the Official Journal on 21st December 2023, the French minimum salary will increase by 1.13% on 1st January 2024.
The French government’s immigration bill was finally approved on Tuesday in the French parliament, after a long struggle over the last few months.