Tax: Form 3916 – Declaration of Foreign Bank, Insurance and Investment Accounts
As a tax resident in France, we must declare all non-French accounts such as banks, investments including crypto, insurance policies, etc in the tax form 3916.
Income tax declaration, tax credits, tax reductions, tax deductions, etc.
As a tax resident in France, we must declare all non-French accounts such as banks, investments including crypto, insurance policies, etc in the tax form 3916.
The various social benefits from the French government and the employer allowances mentioned in this article are either totally or partially exempted from the French income tax declaration.
Every year, millions of taxpayers in France submit their income tax declarations during the April-June tax season.
Income Tax declaration is done during the current year for the income earned in the previous calendar year.
An income tax declaration requires a tax identification number (TIN). In France, TIN is known as ‘numéro fiscal’ or “numéro d’identification fiscale” (NIF). If, you do not have this number, you are in the right place. This article is written for people who will be doing their first income tax declaration in France.
The French income tax brackets and tax rates are fixed every year. For example, the 2024 values (applicable to income earned in 2023) are defined by the 2024 finance law “loi de finances pour 2024”.