Dependent Visa

Visas to invite your spouse and minor children as dependents to France.

Do I need a Work Permit after arriving in France on a Spouse Visa?

Moving to France on a spousal visa is an exciting step, especially with a potential job opportunity lined up. However, understanding the paperwork required to start working is essential to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s what you need to know about the documents and timelines involved.

Do I need a Work Permit after arriving in France on a Spouse Visa? Read More »

Visa vs Titre de Sejour vs Carte de Sejour: What are the differences?

Navigating the French immigration system can be complex, especially when it comes to understanding the differences between a Visa, Titre de séjour, and Carte de séjour. This article clarifies the differences between these documents and their purposes.

Visa vs Titre de Sejour vs Carte de Sejour: What are the differences? Read More »

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