Income Tax Reduction in France for tuition fees payment of dependent children
You may be eligible for an income tax reduction in France, if your child is enrolled in school (middle school, high school, or higher education).
You may be eligible for an income tax reduction in France, if your child is enrolled in school (middle school, high school, or higher education).
In France, every child between the ages of 3 and 16 is required by law to receive an education. This obligation can be met by enrolling the child in a school (public or private) or, under certain exceptional conditions, by providing home instruction.
APS (Master) or Carte de séjour – Recherche d’emploi/création d’entreprise is a job-search or business creation resident permit given to students, who had graduated from a college or university in France.
To register for a training on Mon Compte Formation (CPF), you must have a France Connect + account, opened via the digital identification service of La Poste. Unfortunately, not everyone is eligible to open a FranceConnect+ account online. These people must follow a manual process to verify their digital identity.
This article explains the various aspects to check before submitting a student visa application or a re-application following a rejection.