SMIC: French Minimum Salary increases on 1st January 2024
According to a 20th December Decree published in the Official Journal on 21st December 2023, the French minimum salary will increase by 1.13% on 1st January 2024.
According to a 20th December Decree published in the Official Journal on 21st December 2023, the French minimum salary will increase by 1.13% on 1st January 2024.
The Social Security system provides free access to the public health insurance coverage in France. It is managed by a network of CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie) agencies across France. The system provides a partial reimbursement (upto 70%) of your health expenses in the country.
France has started gradually moving all the resident permit applications and renewals to an online system. So, this process has created a lot of delays in processing of the applications. Some people have been waiting for more than 6 months without answers.
Since April 6, 2021, an employer who wishes to recruit a non-European candidate, must apply for a work permit. It has to be done online using ANEF website
This article addresses the different types of work and resident permits available to International students after their graduation in France. The first version of this article was written by Sanjay Kamath in October 2020. This current version goes further with the latest updates including 2023 regulations.