Do you know the average salaries in France?
In 2020, the average monthly French salary for a full-time job in the private sector was €2,520 net of charges and social contributions. It was €2,380 in public sector.
In 2020, the average monthly French salary for a full-time job in the private sector was €2,520 net of charges and social contributions. It was €2,380 in public sector.
On the 1st of May, the French minimum salary increased by 2.2%
People often ask me about various investment options in France and it is one of the most common FAQs. So, I will be sharing regular updates of my personal finance portfolio. This can serve as a good example for people, who are beginning thier investment journey.
Let’s take the example of #Germany in 2022 & 2023. The country is officially into #recession, after having two successive quarters of negative economic growth. However, The German stock market index #DAX consisting of the top 40 German companies, is trading very close to its peak #ATH of 16,331. It’s 1 year and 5 years performances are +20% and +23.75% respectively. While
Do you know that funds invested into your retirement accounts like PER can help reduce your income taxes in France?