FAQ: Social Security Number & Carte Vitale in France
The Social Security system provides free access to the public health insurance coverage in France. This article covers the various frequently asked questions on SSN and !carte Vitale.
The Social Security system provides free access to the public health insurance coverage in France. This article covers the various frequently asked questions on SSN and !carte Vitale.
This article is about the French Salary visa application experience at VFS Global Mumbai shared by Mr. Sunny S Shah.
Study-related internships are usually done during the last semester of study. Whether you need a visa to undertake an internship in a Schengen country depends on several factors, including your nationality, the duration and nature of the internship, and the specific Schengen country where you plan to intern.
The Schengen area covers over 4 million square kilometers with a population of almost 420 million people, and includes 29 countries.
French tax stamps, known as “timbres fiscaux” are required to get or renew resident permits in France. You can buy them online or at certain stores. This article explains how to buy them and use these stamps to pay for your resident permit applications.