5 years of my amazing work experience in France with Bertrandt Group & Akkodis
May 2023 marks the completion of my 5th year in the French automotive industry. I started working after my masters from Ecole centrale de Nantes.
May 2023 marks the completion of my 5th year in the French automotive industry. I started working after my masters from Ecole centrale de Nantes.
In 2020, the average monthly French salary for a full-time job in the private sector was €2,520 net of charges and social contributions. It was €2,380 in public sector.
On the 1st of May, the French minimum salary increased by 2.2%
Renewal – Visa / Carte de sejour / Titre de Sejour
This article explains about the various rights of the french resident permit online attestations and tries to answer the various questions often asked by our readers.