Contact details of French Embassy and Consulates in India
Here are the various contact details of French Embassy and its consulates across India, concerning your French visa applications.
Here are the various contact details of French Embassy and its consulates across India, concerning your French visa applications.
Here is a non-exhaustive checklist for the French Dependent Visa application. The documents listed here are based on the VFS checklist and also the various experiences shared by the expat community.
As expats living in France, we will require the services of the prefectures for various topics. So, this article explains the various ways in which we can contact our local prefecture and get the support required.
A few frequently asked questions about appointments with French prefectures. After Covid, most prefectures have stopped allowing walk-ins and so the public must take an appointment before visiting a local prefecture.
I have a French residence permit. Can I stay outside France for more than 6 months?