What is the minimum duration required to qualify for pension in France?

Published on: June 29, 2023 |  Last Updated on: November 26, 2024 | By: @rprasanth_kumar

To be entitled to the French social security retirement pension, you must have contributed at least 1 quarter as an employee. A quarter or trimester means a duration of 3 months. For every year of work, 4 quarters are added to your French retirement account irrespective of your nationality.

Retirement Age 

France’s retirement age varies according to your date of birth. It is 62 years for those born between 1955 and August 31st, 1961. It was then increased  by 3 months per generation to reach 64 years for people born in 1968 and later.

Date of birthRetirement age
01/09/1961 to 31/12/196162 years and 3 months
196262 years and 6 months
196362 years and 9 months
196463 years
196563 years and 3 months
196663 years and 6 months
196763 years and 9 months
From 196864 years

However, you need to complete a minimum number of quarters, in order to qualify for the full pension.

  • For example: A person born in 1968 or after, will need 172 trimesters to qualify for a full pension. This means 43 years of work history.
  • From the age of 55, you can notify the pension office about any discrepancies in your career statement and ask for them to be corrected: missing jobs, inconsistencies, etc.
  • In certain cases, it’s possible to buy up to 12 missing trimesters. Ex: Years spent on higher education. This known as “rachats de trimestres”. 
  • You can find your work history, trimesters earned, retirement age, pension amount, simulate your retirement, etc. in your official retirement account and on lassuranceretraite.fr

People moving abroad, including to non-European countries, will receive the pension after their retirement. You can find more details here 

Reimbursement of Pension contributions

  • If you have only contributed less than 9 quarters to your Social Security Retirement Insurance during your working life, you can request a reimbursement of your retirement contributions when you leave France permanently. Login into your official retirement account . and contact them.
  • If you have crossed the above limit, the funds are locked until your retirement age and then paid as pension.

Sources & References

6 thoughts on “What is the minimum duration required to qualify for pension in France?”

  1. Hi Prasanth, thanks for the useful information. I have a related question. If a person works in France for say, 5 years, and then decides to go back to his country of origin, is it possible to get back the money paid to the pension fund and what is the procedure to be followed to get it?

  2. I came france in July 2023 on talent passport visa and I am leaving france finally in October 2024. So what is the procedure to get refund if only contributed less than 9 quarters to my Social Security Retirement Insurance during working life, how can request a reimbursement of my retirement contributions when I will leave France permanently.

  3. I’m curious on how can we calculate the pension amount of we have crossed 9 quarters of work. Is it a percentage of what i paid to them, can i check how much i paid to them or do a simulation of what i can expect?

    1. Hello Chaithya,
      As explained in the article, please login into your retirement account and you can find all these information. You can also do you a simulation and find the pension amount.

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