Should I accept a Licenciement économique with CSP when my seniority is less than 1 year in the company?: Job Termination

Published on: February 12, 2025 |  Article No: 301 | By: @rprasanth_kumar

Question: Hello, I’m reaching out because I need your help regarding my current situation. My company has recently undergone layoffs, and unfortunately, I am one of the employees affected by this licenciement économique. Time is running short, as I have to make an important decision soon.

During my entretien préalable on February 5, 2025, they offered me the option of Contrat de Sécurisation Professionnelle (CSP). I have 21 days to decide whether to accept the CSP or go with the standard chômage (unemployment benefits). My contract with the company will officially end on February 26, 2025. By that date, I will have completed 11 months and 18 days with this company. Before that, I worked at another company for 3.5 years.

I have a few questions regarding my options:

  • If I accept the CSP, will my CSP benefits start in March?.
  • I will most likely be paid for the 3-month notice period (préavis non effectué). Will this delay the start of my CSP benefits, even though my contract officially ends on February 26, 2025?.
  • If I find a permanent contract (CDI) before the CSP period ends, will I be eligible for the prime de reclassement (50% of the remaining CSP amount), even though I haven’t completed a full year at this company?.
  • Due to the stress of this situation, I had a migraine attack yesterday and consulted a doctor online, who advised me to take a break from work. I also have an in-person appointment with another doctor today. If I go on arrêt maladie (medical leave) during my 21-day CSP decision period, will it extend the deadline for making my choice?

Any additional advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

My Detailed Answers: Understanding CSP and your rights after a economic layoff in France.

Losing a job due to licenciement économique is a difficult experience, and making the right decision between Contrat de Sécurisation Professionnelle (CSP) and classic chômage (ARE) can be overwhelming. If you’re in the above situation, here’s what you need to know based on your specific case.

What happens if you accept a LE + CSP?

The Contrat de sécurisation professionnelle (CSP) is a program designed to help employees who have been laid off due to economic reasons by providing financial support and job search assistance.

1. Will I receive a severance pay?

  • Yes. Normally, your employer must pay you an Indemnité de licenciement on termination of your employment contract.

2. When will my CSP allocations start?

  • If you opt for CSP, your allocations de sécurisation professionnelle (ASP) will start immediately after your contract ends on February 26, 2025.
  • Unlike classic unemployment benefits (ARE), which have a seven-day waiting period, CSP payments begin the day after the contract termination.

Value of ASP Payments:

  • If you have at least 1-year seniority with the employer: The ASP is 75% of your reference daily salary. It cannot be less than what you would have received if you had not joined the CSP. It is paid for a maximum of 12 months.
  • If you have less than 1-year seniority with the employer: The ASP amount will be at least equal to the ARE allowance (regular chomage) you would have received had you not joined the CSP. Unfortunately, this is your case.
  • Note: Only the employment contract which led to economic dismissal is taken into account in calculating the amount of ASP allowance (not any contracts before/during this period, or periods between two contracts).

3. Will the Notice Period compensation affect CSP?

  • Since your contract is ending on February 26, 2025, you will likely receive compensation (indemnité compensatrice de préavis) for the three-month notice period (préavis non effectué) because you have worked for the company for less than a year.
  • However, this payment does not delay the CSP benefits.
  • Your contract officially ends on February 26, and CSP benefits will begin from February 27.

Note: It is possible to cumulate the Notice Period compensation with the following benefits too:

  • Severance Pay known as Indemnité de licenciement.
  • Paid Leave Allowance known as Indemnité compensatrice de congés payés.
  • Retirement Allowance known as Indemnité de mise ou de départ à la retraite.
  • Improper Termination Allowance known as Indemnité pour licenciement irrégulier.
  • Daily allowances (Indemnités journalières) paid by social security in the event of absence from work during the notice period for which the employee is being discharged.

4. Will I receive the “Prime de Reclassement” if I find a job during CSP?

  • If you find a CDI (permanent contract) or a CDD (fixed-term contract of at least six months) before the end of your CSP, you would normally be eligible for the prime de reclassement—which is 50% of the remaining ASP payments.
  • However, to qualify for this bonus, you must have at least one year of seniority with your last employer.
  • Unfortunately, since you have worked less than a year (11 months and 18 days), you do not qualify for this benefit.

5. Does Sick Leave (Arrêt Maladie) extend the CSP Decision Period?

  • If you take sick leave (arrêt maladie) during the 21-day reflection period, it does not extend the deadline for accepting CSP.
  • However, if you are on sick leave after accepting CSP, your ASP payments will only start after your arrêt maladie ends.

What can I do if I do not have a 1-year seniority eligibility?

  • One possible solution would be to negotiate with your employer to extend your contract by a few more days, so you officially complete more than one year with the company.
  • Unfortunately, in your case, your employer has refused to do this, which means you won’t be eligible for the prime de reclassement.

Final Thoughts & Advice

Given your situation with less than 1-year seniority, choosing CSP still seems like the better option compared to classic chômage (ARE). While you may miss out on the prime de reclassement, Licenciement économique + CSP provides:

  • Immediate financial support (ASP starts right after contract termination).
  • Compensation for the 3-month notice period (indemnité compensatrice de préavis).
  • Compensation for the job termination (indemnité de licenciement).
  • Better job search assistance, training, etc  from France Travail.

If you need further clarification, you can speak to a France Travail advisor (formerly Pôle emploi) to confirm the best course of action based on your specific case.

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2 thoughts on “Should I accept a Licenciement économique with CSP when my seniority is less than 1 year in the company?: Job Termination”

  1. Hi Prasanth,
    I am on a visa Salaire on a CDI contract. My visa is valid till 2028. I had signed my licencement economique. I’m currently on a CSP programme. Once my CSP is over will I be able to work on a part-time job elsewhere (maybe a fast-food joint temporarily) with my visa ?

    Thanks and Regards.

    1. Hello Vignesver,

      There are 2 different aspect in your question.

      Resident & Work Permit: In theory, each new job contract signed by a person on CdS Salarié will require a new work permit application by the employer.

      Part-time Job: Yes you can do a part-time job and receive chomage too. But the chomage amount will reduce because of the new income. Also, the total value of part-time job salary + chomage amount cannot exceed your previous job’s salary.

      Please refer to,


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